Suprises pt.2

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Gabby: He's gone
Casey- Wow I'm sorry Gabby
Gabby- He wants me to move with him but I said no.
Casey- Why?
Gabby- I'd miss my life down here.
Casey's Pov
Gabby- I have to go to one more place
I gave both of the kids one last hug before leaving.
Gabby's Pov
When my kids and I got to the doctor's office it was going on 8:33. We waited in the waiting room until my doctor came.
Doctor's office
Doctor- Hi Ms. Dawson
Gabby- Hi so what is the results of my blood work.
Doctor- Your hormone count is very high and it looks like you are pregnant.
Gabby- Thank you
I walked out of the doctor's office and went to go and get my kids from Maggie. I picked up Lexus with my good arm and went home with my kids.
1 week later
Gabby's Pov
I was in my room when I called my kids into the room. They both jumped on my bed and laid beside me.
Gabby- Hey kids mommy has to tell you something.
Lexus- What is it?
Luke: Mom are u okay
What happened to Gabby?
What did she have to tell her kids?
Will she make it?

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