He's back

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Gabby: Ma, Ma, Matt what are u doing here?
Matt: I just stopped by to tell you I'm back.
Gabby: That's great but I got to get going. I have shift in twenty minutes.
Matt: How is Kyle?
Gabby: (starts to walk away) He's good but you left him when he was young. I hope he remembers you.
Gabby's Pov
First I dropped Kyle off at his school then I dropped Lexus off which was so hard to do.
When I had dropped both of my kids off Shay and Severide offered me breakfast at a diner before shift. When I arrived in the diner I went to join the others in the Booth.
Their conversation
Gabby: I have a problem.
Severide: Is it one of the kids?
Gabby: NO
Shay: What is it then?
Gabby: Casey's...... ummmm.....ba.....back in town.
Severide's Pov
I pulled Gabby into a hug knowing that these next few months were going to be the hardest. I told Shay that I would meet her at work and that it would be best if I drove with Gabby. Before Shay left she gave Gabby a hug and headed to shift.

In the next five chapters I'm bringing the heat and let me know if I should keep this book though.

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