Where is momma at

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Nobody's POV
Gabby fell back as she was shot in the arm and then the man pointed the gun to his head and shot himself.
Gabby places gauze pads on the guys head as Shay rushed off to Chicago Med.
At Chicago Med
Shay's POV
They rushed the man back as Gabby went to the back to.
Back at Gabby's place
Casey's Pov
Shay- Can you babysit the kids Gabby and I are going to be awhile.
I told Shay that I would and headed to Gabby's. When I arrived at Gabby's the kid's bus was just pulling up they ran to me and then we headed into the house.
Lexus- Where is my mommy.
Luke- Yeah she said she was going to be here.
Casey- What about we make her some dinner for when she does get here.
Luke- Yeah
Lexus- Sounds fun
Back at Chicago Med
After 1 hour
Gabby's Pov
The doctors had finally dismissed me. They got the bullet out of my arm and bandaged my arm. Shay offered to drive me home since I couldn't use my arm for two days.
Back at Gabby's house
Casey's Pov
The kids and I were just about to start on some cupcakes when someone knocked on the door. When I went to the door Mills was there.
Mills- Hey is Gabby here?
Casey- No not at the moment
Mills- When she gets home can you give her this letter for me?
Casey- Of course

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