Chapter 3

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•Oct 3•

Tasha P.O.V.

We slept at my old home because I didn't get to pack nothing yesterday. But I have the whole day to pack since Edward isn't going to be back until tomorrow afternoon. That's what he told me. He left 3 or 4 this morning. But thank the lord it's Friday. I got up and started getting ready for work. It took only a few minutes because we wear jeans on Fridays. So I put on some skinny jeans and a black shirt with my black masters. I put on my African necklace and the earrings and did my hair. I checked on the kids and they were still sleep. I went downstairs so I could start on breakfast. I really don't know what to cook. I heard somebody come in the door. It probably was Lisa. But she don't have a key.

"What you looking for?" It was Edward.

"Nothing. I thought you wasn't coming back til tomorrow." I said.

"The trip got cut short." I mentally rolled my eyes. I don't know if he telling the truth or not. I give up looking. When they wake up they can eat some cereal. I walked out of the kitchen and went upstairs. "So you staying?"

"No Edward." I said going in the kids room.

"You not cooking breakfast?" Edward asked me.

"No." I said.

"I'll go cook some then." He walked out and I woke them up.

"Y'all go get ready for school." I told them.

"Do I have to go to school?" Emmanuel asked me.

"Yes you do." I said picking up Mini.

"Can I go to work with you?" Emmanuel asked me.

"No you cannot." I said.

"Please ma?" He begged.

"No Emmanuel. I'm not going to tell you no more." I said.

"Ma you be tripping." He said walking out of the room. I just let him get by with that. I don't feel too good.

"Ma you heard him?" Eli asked me.

"Yea. Go get ready for school." I told him.

"Yes ma'am." He said leaving out of the room. I went in the bathroom and ran Mini water. When it was enough water in the tub, I took her clothes off and put her in the tub.

"Daddy here?" She asked me.

"Yes." I said.

"Can he bathe me?" She asked me.

"Yes hold on." I said. "Edward?!"

"Huh?!" He said from downstairs.

"Come here!" I said. I let Mini just play in the water until Edward came in here.

"What you need?" He asked me.

"Mini want you to bathe her." I said.

"Aight. I'll take care of everything else. You just go eat. The food done." He said. My hormones are really killing me right now. And he smelling good. Oh my goodness. Let me go down these stairs and eat me some food. Time I went downstairs somebody rung the doorbell.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Lisa." She said. I went and opened the door.

"Hey friend." I said hugging her.

"Hey friend." She said hugging me back. "Where my niece and nephews?"

"They still getting ready. They might be playing." I said.

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