Chapter 13

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Tasha P.O.V.

I woke up from Shy crying. Both her and Mini was laying in the bed next to me. Mini was still sleep. I picked up Shy and started feeding her. I picked up my phone to see what time it was. 6:36 Since Mini here then I'm pretty sure my other babies here too. I went in the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face with one hand while I healed Shy with the other one. I really need to get one of those baby carrier things that's like a book bag. I forgot what they called but I'll order one later. I left out my room to wake my boys up so they could get ready for school. Once they were up, I went downstairs to start on breakfast. As I was walking past the living room, I seen Dasha and Edward laid up on my sofa in my house kissing. They didn't see me so I just kept walking and went in the kitchen. I really don't care because me and Edward not together anyways. But I do care because she supposed to be my sister. But oh well. I took the pancake batter from the top of the refrigerator and started cooking some pancakes, ham, and some eggs. That's what they're going to eat today. I fixed everybody a plate except for me and I went back upstairs. When I walked past the living room this time, they were on separate sofas watching TV. I went in my room and Mini was up playing a game on my phone.

"Good morning mommy. Auntie Lisa called and said that she was coming over around 9:00. I was going to go downstairs and tell you but I knew you was coming back up here so I just waited." Mini told me.

"OK Mini. I'm finna go check on your brothers." I left out of my room and went to Eli room but he wasn't in there. I went to Eric room and he wasn't in there either. I went in Emmanuel room and all of them were in there watching Disney channel.

"Good morning babies. Come downstairs so y'all can eat and come back up here and get dressed." I told them.

"Yes ma'am." They said at different times. I went back in my room to get Mini so that she could eat. When I got downstairs, I went in the living room to tell Edward and Dasha that the food was done.

"The food done if y'all want to eat." I told them. They got up and went in the kitchen. I followed behind them. When we got to the kitchen, my babies was sitting around the table waiting on us. When Dasha and Edward sat down, I told Eric to say grace.

"Thank you Lord for this food we're about to eat. Amen."

"Amen." We all said in unison.

"Ma you not gone eat?" Emmanuel asked me.

"No I'm not hungry." I said. I went in the living room and sat in my rocking chair. Ima spray my sofas down with disinfectant spray when everybody leave cause that shit be strong. I put Shy on my shoulder and burped her. I forget that I left my phone up stairs so I had to get back up and go get my phone. I got my phone and went back and sat in my rocking chair and called Lisa.

*Phone Convo*

"What you want friend?" She was talking dryly.

"Don't answer the phone like that when I call you. You better come at me correct." She started laughing.

"I'm sorry friend."

"Mhm. But anyways, I was gone come to your house because I got to talk to you about some but Mini told me that you called and said that you was gone come over here."

"Yea. I gotta talk to you about some too. I told Toni to give the phone to you and she said 'Can I take a message because I'm too lazy to go aaaaaaalll the way downstairs and come aaalll the way back up here. That's too much." I laughed.

"Mini is a mess."

"She get it from her momma. But you worse than here." I laughed.

"No I am not." Edward and Dasha came back in here and sat down.

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