Chapter 4

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•Oct 4•

Tasha P.O.V.

I woke up from my phone ringing. It was Edward. Oh my goodness.

*Phone Convo*

"Yes Edward."

"What you doing?"

"Talking to yo ugly ass."

"What you was doing before I called you?"

"Trying to sleep."


"What you want Edward?"

"Toni crying for you."

"So what I supposed to do?"

"Come get her."

"Aight Edward. I'm coming."

"Who you cuming fa?"

"Shut up Edward. Bye."

*End of Convo*

I stay hanging up in his face. I got up and went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and used the bathroom. I already had on a long dashiki and some socks so I just put on some shoes. If I din love Mini so much, I would go back to sleep. I looked at the time and seen that it was 4:10. Ima just get all of my stuff and take it with me. I got in my car and drove to Edward's house. When I pulled up, Edward was standing on the porch with nothing but some pajama pants on. I got out and locked my doors.

"Why you don't have on a shirt? It's cold out here." I said once I reached the porch.

"I don't like shirts. You know I love you right?" Edward asked me.

"Edward shut up. So you just left her in the house crying?" I asked him.

"No. She sleep. She never was crying." He said laughing.

"Edward that's not funny." I said.

"You need some head?" He asked me.

"Why? You gone give me some?" I asked him.

"Yea. That's why I asked you." He said.

"Shut up Edward." I went in the house and went in the kids room and watched them sleep. Edward came and stood behind me.

"We made some beautiful babies." Edward said. Tried to wrap his arm around me but I moved.

"Don't touch me." I said.

"Why not? You acting like I got a disease or some." He said.

"I just don't like people touching me." I said.

"You wasn't saying that before." Edward said.

"Yea that was before." I said.

"May y'all please go somewhere else and talk. We're trying to sleep." Emmanuel said.

"Yes sir. I'm leaving." I left out of the room and went downstairs and sat on the sofa. Edward came and sat next to me. "Stop following me."

"I can follow you. You my wife." He said.

"We're still married legally." I said.

"So we're not together?" He asked me.

"No." I said. He got quiet. I looked up at him from my phone and he was crying. "Edward stop crying. You tell me I cry too much but you stay crying."

"Why you gotta leave me?" He asked me.

"You already know the answer to that." I said.

"I swear I won't cheat anymore. I'll be the best husband and father." He said. I sighed.

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