Chapter 5

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•Oct 5•

Tasha P.O.V.

I woke up but not from my alarm. I picked up my phone and seen that it was 5:20. Edward and Mini was in the bed with me. Mini was laying between us. I turned my alarm off so it wouldn't go off and got out of the bed. I got some underwear out of my drawer and went in the bathroom and did what I would normally do. When I got out of the shower, I dried off and put on my underwear. I left out of the bathroom and Edward was sitting in the bed rocking Mini.

"Good morning." Edward said.

"Good morning. Everybody still here or they gone?" I asked him.

"They still here. Everybody slept downstairs on the living floor except for us. Kesha slept on the sofa." He said.

"Oh. She still sleep or she woke up?" I asked him talking bout Mini.

"She woke me up." Edward said.

"Oh." I said. I went in the closet so I could get dressed.

"I'm finna get Toni ready. We going to church right?" Edward asked me.

"Yea." I said.

"Aight." He said. I started looking for something to wear. I seen a cute black dress with sleeves that I haven't wore in a while. I put that on and I got some black shoes and put them on. I went in the bathroom and Edward drying Mini off.

"Hey mommy!" She said.

"Hey Mini!" I said. Once Edward got done drying her off, I went and picked her. "Hey baby."

"I not baby." She said laughing.

"I'm finna go wake them up and cook breakfast." Edward said.

"Ok." I said. I left out of the bathroom with Mini.

"You is baby." I told her.

"No I not." She said.

"You my baby. Aren't you my baby?" I asked her.

"I yo baby but I not baby." She said as I walked in there room. I laughed.

"What you want to wear today?" I asked her.

"Something pretty." She said.

"Ok." I said. I put some underwear on her and put her down. We both decided on a lime green dress. As I was putting her shoes on, the boys came in the room. "Good morning my handsome sons."

"Good morning ma." They said.

"Come on so they can get dressed." I told Mini. I grabbed her hand and went downstairs. She let my hand go and ran in the living room. I went behind her and everybody was in the living room except for Edward. Lisa had made it here too. "Good morning y'all." I sat next to Kesha.

"You din have to call me and tell me y'all was having a party." Lisa said. I laughed.

"It wasn't a party. They just slept over." I said.

"You mad or some?" Jamir asked her.

"No I'm not mad. I'm happy." Lisa said. I got up and went in the kitchen. Edward was sitting at the island eating.

"So you eating and ain't tell nobody?" I asked him.

"I did tell them. I din tell you because you was getting Toni ready and I knew you was gone come in here anyways." He said. I sat across from him and watched him eat. He so fine. Oh my goodness. "Thanks." He looked up at me. I started laughing.

"I said that out loud?" I asked him.

"Yea. You always talking to yoself out loud." He said. I started back laughing. "You need to go to the mental facility."

"No I don't. Leave me alone." I said.

"Where do our relationship stand?" He asked me.

"Well, no kissing, no sex, and we can't take showers together. But other than that, we do things married people do." I said.

"That's basically what they do." He said. Mini ran in the kitchen.

"Mommy I hungry." She said rubbing her stomach.

"I know." I responded to Edward's comment and got up. I just put some eggs and a piece of bacon on Mini plate while she jumped up and down next to me. That's all she gone eat cuz she don't eat that much for real.

"I like y'all dresses." Edward said.

"Thanks." I said.

"Thank you daddy." Mini said. I looked at Edward and he smirked. I started laughing. Edward so nasty. Nasty ass. I sat Mini plate next to Edward and she got up in the seat next to him and started eating. I fixed myself a plate and ate too.
When everybody was ready, we got ready to leave. We then made our way to church. Church lasted so long today. It's probably because the assistant pastor preached. He preach so long. I need to tell him, "Yo sermon way to long you need to cut it!" After church, we went to Ms. Mary house because she cooked. She cooked a lot of stuff since its first Sunday. But I don't eat half of it.

"You not eating baby?" Ms. Mary asked me.

"No ma'am. I already ate." I said.

"If you don't get yo ass in that kitchen and fix yoself some to eat Ima know some." She said. I laughed.

"Yes ma'am." I said.

"Yea get yo ass in that kitchen." Edward said.

"Be quiet Edward." I said. I was gone say shut up, but the kids were around.
I was laying in the bed watching videos on demand and Edward came in the room.

"The kids sleep. Can I eat yo pussy now?" He asked me closing the door.

"No Edward." I said.

"Why not?" He asked me.

"Cuz I said we ain't having sex." I said.

"That's not sex." Edward said sitting next to me.

"It's oral sex retardation." I said.

"Why you said retardation?" He asked me.

"Cuz you retarded." I said.

"Why you din just say retard?" He asked me.

"Cuz I din want to." I said.

"Mo you complicated." He said rubbing my stomach.

"Ok and.." I said.

"I love you and your complicatedness." He said.

"I love you to." I said.

"Goodnight." He said.

"I'm not finna go to sleep. But goodnight." I said.

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