Chapter 8

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•Oct 8•

Tasha P.O.V.

I got up and did everything I would normally do. I had already got my clothes out last night so I just had to put them on. As I was putting on my accessories, Edward woke up.


"Yes Edward?" I asked him.

"I got to talk to you about some." He said stretching.

"Ok. And what is that?" I asked him.

"I'm leaving to go to Baltimore in exactly one month." He said.

"And what do this have to do with me?" I asked him.

"Ima be gone for about 2 weeks, probably 3. So that means I won't be able to help with the kids." He said.

"Well it really don't matter because-- Nevermind. But why you going to Baltimore?" I asked him.

"Because I'm getting three schools built up there." He said.

"Oh. Well do you then." I said.

"I only ask for you to do one thing while I'm gone." He said.

"And what is that?" I asked him.

"For you to stay." He said.

"Ok." I said. I thought about it. And this is a good idea. When he get back, all my shit gone be gone.

"You promise?" He asked he.

"Mhm." I said.

"I'm serious Tasha." He said.

"I am too Edward." I said. When I got done with everything, I left out of the room and went in the kids room. I woke all of them up and told them to get ready. My baby don't cry no more when she wake up. And she really don't need that much help getting dressed and stuff. I just realized that Edward gone be gone for Mini birthday.
After I got off of work, I picked up the kids and we went back home. Edward went to his other job. He ain't gone come home til like 1 or 2 in the morning. But after I got done helping the kids with their homework and stuff, we cleaned up the house. This normally happen on Saturdays but I be so tired. My phone started ringing in the kitchen.

"Ma you want me to get it?" Emmanuel asked me.

"No I got it." I said. I went in the kitchen and went to my phone. It was Maria. Being the nice person I am, I answered.

*Phone Convo*

"Hey Maria."

"Hey Tasha. I was just calling to check up on you and the kids."

"We're fine."

"That's good. I guess I'll let you get back to what you was doing."




*End of Convo*

She know she can lie good. She just wanted to hear my voice. I mean, who wouldn't. I'm just playing. But I put my phone back on the counter and went in the living room only for my phone to ring again. I sighed and went back in the kitchen to answer my phone once again. This time it was Dasha.

*Phone Convo*

"Hey Dasha."

"Hey T. I'ma come and pick up the kids in about 20 minutes. We're going out and having fun without you."

"Forget y'all too then. But guess who just called me."


"Maria chile."

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