Chapter 11

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•Dec 14

Tasha P.O.V.

I woke up for the third time this morning and Edward was laying next to me with Mini laying on his chest sleep. Why didn't they sleep on the sofa? I reached over and got my phone off charge. It's  5:17. I shook Edward so that he could get up.

"What Tasha?" He asked me with his eyes still closed.

"May you please get up?" I asked him.

"Why?" He asked me.

"Because I want my space." I said. He sighed then he looked at me. "Edward get up."

"I miss sleeping with you." He touched my lip and I moved his hand.

"Edward I don't have time for your stuff. You normally have some business to handle. Can you go handle it?" I asked him.

"Null. I'm free for right now." He said.

"Why you gotta be so difficult?" I asked him.

"I'm not difficult." He said. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Ok since you want to be so difficult I'll get up." He got out of the bed and laid Mini next to me. "Stop looking at me."

"I can look at whoever I want to." I said.

"You better not be looking at another nigga." He said.

"You be looking at other females." I said.

"Not really." He said.

"Yes really." I said.

"Aight Tasha." He pulled his pants up then he went in the bathroom. I might call Tonisha Shy because that's a pretty nickname. Nisha pretty too but not as pretty as Shy. Somebody knocked on the door then the door opened and my nurse came in with Shy.

"Good morning again Mrs. Gill. Good thing your already up because somebody's hungry." She came and handed me Shy.

"Good morning." I said.

"Is there anything else that you need?" She asked me.

"No ma'am." I said.

"Ok. Just call us then." She said before she left back out of the room. I took my
breast out and starting feeding Shy while I scrolled through Instagram. Edward came out of the bathroom and sat in the chair next to the bed.

"Didn't that bitch just wake me up a few minutes ago and brought my baby in here?" Edward asked me.

"Why you called that lady a bitch?" I asked him. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Well didn't that lady just bring Tonisha in here a a few minutes ago?" He asked.

"Call Tonisha Sky." I told him.

"When did you come up with this nickname?" He asked me.

"A few minutes ago." I said.

"Speaking of a few minutes ago, you still didn't answer my question." He said.

"Oh. That was a couple of hours ago and I supposed to feed Sky every one or two hours." I told him.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because she's a newborn and plus I'm breastfeeding her. Breast milk digest faster than formula. And that means she gets hungry faster." I said.

"Yo momma breast fed you?" He asked me.

"Yea. Why?" I asked him.

"That's why yo ass so fat. You need to stop breastfeeding my children because I don't want to kill no more niggas." He said.

"Shut up Edward." I told him.

"How yo titties make so much milk?" He asked me and I laughed.

"I guess the more I breastfeed, the more milk my body produces." I said.

"Why my titties ain't got no milk?" He asked me squeezing his breast.

"Edward stop." I said laughing. "So you not going to work today?"

"Nope." He said.

"Why not?" I asked him.

"Why should I? I would rather be here with you and Shy." He got up and started dancing.

"But you didn't call no sub or none. You didn't even tell them people that you wasn't coming today." I said.

"You must want me to go or some?" He asked me.

"Yes." I said.

"You don't like my company?" He asked me.

"Not really." I said laughing.

"Well I guess I'll go then since you don't want me here." He said poking out his bottom lip.

"Before you go to work, bring a lot of snacks and bring Mini some food so she can eat when she wake up." I told him.

"What you want to eat?" He asked me.

"It don't matter." I told him.

"Aight. I'll be back." He put on his shoes and got his phone and his keys and left. I turned the tv to Disney Channel and watched Octonauts. I miss the old Disney Channel. Now they got all these new shows and they even got a channel that you could watch the cartoons that come on in the morning all day long. When me and my sister was growing up, we used to make our momma wake us up early enough so that we could watch Disney Channel when they first start showing the morning time cartoons. Them was the good ol' days. Kids these days don't understand. I got on snapchat and watched a lot of people's snap. Then I seen a girl eating some cereals and I got a taste for some Fruit Loops. I called Edward so he could bring me some.

*Phone Convo*

"What Tasha?"

"Can you bring me some Fruit Loops along with whatever else you was going to bring me?"

"Damn Tasha. You ain't pregnant no more."

"What does me being pregnant have to do with me wanting some Fruit Loops?"

"None Tasha. What else you want me to bring?"

"Nothing really. Just the food for Mini, the food that you was going to bring me, some Fruit Loops, and that means bring a bowl, well bring two bowls, two spoons, and some milk because you know Mini might want some cereal too. But back to what I was saying. Wait what was I saying? Oh yeah! And some snacks. That's all. I'll just text it to you because you might forget."

"Aight Tasha."


*End of Convo*

I hung up the phone and texted Edward the list. I looked down at Shy and really studied her features. You really couldn't tell why she looked like at the moment.

"You might be like Eli and stay up at night and sleep during the day because you didn't sleep none last night." I said talking to Shy. "I'm hungry. Your daddy need to come on with this food." I put my breast back in my bra and burped her. Mini started moving around some before she woke up.

"Mommy, me have to pee." She said sitting up.

"You a big girl?" I asked her. She shook her head yes. "You can go by yourself?" She shook her head again. "Go ahead then. Just leave the door open." She got off of the bed and ran in the bathroom. I healed Shy on my shoulder with one hand and eased out of the bed with the other one. When I got on my feet good, I slowly walked to the bathroom door. I felt the wind but I didn't mind.

"Mommy I told you me was a big girl." Mini said.

"I know but i still had to watched you." I told her. She flushed the toilet then she went to the sink and washed her hands. "Alright!" I gave her a high five once she dried her hands.

"Me did good?" She asked me.

"You did great." I told her.

"Yay!" She said jumping up and down. I walked back to the bed and sat in it.

"Me hungry." Mini said sitting next to me and playing with Shy hands. Right then, Edward walked in the door with a suitcase and some bags in his hands. "Daddy!" She got off of the bed and ran in his arms.

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