Chapter 6

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•Oct 6•

Tasha P.O.V.

After work, I went to the mall to buy the kids some more clothes and other things. Edward picked up the kids and dropped them off at Lisa house because he went to his other "job". Edward already know I don't like his other profession. It's like, so dangerous. But he like doing it and it pays the bills so I really don't mind. Like Kent Jones. I went in Rue 21 to get me a lil some. As I was looking through the racks, some white man walked up to me. He was fine as hell. He looked like he was in his late twenties, early thirties.

"This dress will make your baby bump stand out more." He said holding up a pretty blue dress.

"It's pretty." I said.

"How far are you?" He asked me.

"Five months." I said.

"You know what your having?" He asked me.

"A girl." I said.

"I bet she's going to be as beautiful as your are." He said.

"Thanks." I said laughing.

"What's your name if you don't mind me asking?" He asked.

"Tasha." I said.

"How many children you have?" He asked me. Why he asking me all these questions. I just met this man.

"I already had four and I'm pregnant with one so five." I said.

"You married?" He asked me.

"Yes." I said.

"To Lil E?" He asked me.

"Yes." I said. He looked scared as hell.

"Pl-please d-d-don't t-tell him I said anything t-to you." He said. I seen Edward walk in here. His ass supposed to be somewhere else. We made eye contact and he started walking toward us.

"Your fine." I said. Edward came and wrapped his arms around me.

"Who's your little friend?" He asked me.

"I--" Edward cut me of.

"Don't you owe me some money lil nigga?" Edward asked the man.

"I-I d-don't have it right n-now." The man said. Edward tracked for his gun but I grabbed it and put it behind me.

"Tasha don't play with me. Give me my shit." Edward said.

"No." I said.


"Edward I said no. Just give him two weeks. He'll have it by then." I said putting his gun in my purse.

"I already gave him two days." Edward said. I sighed hard as hell.

"Edward really?" I asked him.

"Yes re-- Man I ain't got time fa this. Let's go Tasha." Edward said walking away. I gave the man my phone and told him to put his number in and followed behind Edward.

"I thought you was somewhere else." I told Edward once I caught up with his fast walking ass.

"I was. But I came here to look fa you." He said.

"Look for me fa what? And may you please slow down?" I asked him.

"Oh my bad. But I just wanted to see you." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Ion wanna see yo ugly ass." I said.

"You know you wanted to see your delicious looking husband." He said. I started laughing.

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