Chapter 14

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•One Year Later•

Tasha P.O.V.

"Shy no." I had to run and get her before she stuck her fingers in the fan. She started laughing. "Girl that is not funny." I said also laughing.

"Ma come on I have practice in 30 minutes." Emmanuel said. He play football now.

"I'm coming. Go put Shy and Mi Mi bags in the truck." Mi Mi is Jamie's nickname. Jamie is Kesha and Jamir's baby. I babysit Mi Mi everyday that Jamie and Kesha at work. And I can do that because I quit working for MPS. After that school year was out, I was done. Some stuff had happened and I couldn't deal no more. Mini came running down the stairs.

"Ma, you like my outfit?" She asked me. She had on blue jean overalls with a red and black plaid button down shirt.

"Yea go put some shoes on." I told her.

"What shoes to put on?" Emmanuel got Shy out of my arms and got Mi Mi hand.

"We'll be in the truck." He walked off.

"Put on your black Tims and come on." She ran back upstairs. I went to the pantry and got some chips.
"You you keep calling my phone speaking sexually?" Lisa asked Princess which made me laugh.

"Because you a headphanie nigga." Princess said.

"Y'all too old to be listening to Young M.A." Princess little brother said.

"And you too young to be in our damn business. Go find some shit to do other than beat your meat." Princess said. They is so funny.

"Fuck you." He got up and left out if the living room. We was at Princess and Lisa's house. They got back together and their engaged, thanks to my help. They so cute.

"Y'all gone stop using all of that foul language with my nieces sitting right there on the floor." Lisa said referring to Mini Shy and Mi Mi.

"I know you not talking Auntie Lisa how much you use foul language." Mini said.

"Nobody was talking to you Mini. I told you about doing that." I said.

"I apologize." She said.

"Don't talk to her like that. She can talk when she feel like it." Lisa said.

"And that's her problem. Y'all spoil her and have her thinking she can do what she want to. But I don't play that." I said.

"She just a baby." Princess said.

"Baby my ass." I said.

"Where the boys?" Princess asked.

"With Ms. Mary." I said.

"Oh. I'm hungry. Y'all want to go out to eat?" Princess asked.

"Yesss!" Mini said.

"No." I said. Everybody looked at me. "I was just playing dang."

"Mini can you go get Fredrick from his room please?" Princess asked her.

"Sure." She ran to go get him.

"Stop running baby." I said. When they came downstairs, we left to get us some food.
We went to Italian Wedge. It's a pretty nice restaurant. The waiter came and took our order and we waited on our food to come back.

"Ma in hungry." Mini said.

"You have to wait baby. The food gone come back in a few minutes." I said.

"Oh gosh." She palmed her face.

"She a mess." Princess said laughing. My phone started laughing and Edward name popped up. I mentally rolled my eyes.

*Phone Convo*


"Hey Tasha."


"I was wondering if me and you could take the kids to the rocket jump place in Atlanta this week end."

"You not gone get busy with work and cancel the plans?"

"No. Tasha don't start."

"Ok well that sounds like fun."

"Aight. Ima come by the house around 9 or 10."

"They gone be sleep though Edward."

"I know. I want to see you though."

"I told you we're not getting back together Edward."

"I'm still want to see you though. Make sure you doing good and stuff."

"Ok. Whatever Edward. Bye."


*End of Convo*

The waiter came and gave us our food.

"If you all need anything else just let me know." He said.

"Ok thanks." Lisa said.
I had just got out of the shower when I heard the front door open and close downstairs. Then I heard Edward making his way upstairs. He came in my room and took his shirt and shoes off and got comfortable in my bed.

"You not spending the night Edward."

"Yes I am. And I never noticed how much your hair grew." He said.

"Yeah because we not together no more and I'm not stressing over your ass." I said. He got off of the bed and walked towards me. He took my towel off.

"Your body is so beautiful to have five kids."

"You told me that before."

"And I'm gong to continue to tell you." He kissed my neck. I didn't stop him because he was gone eat my pussy them we was gone fall asleep together like always. It's so hard to leave him alone. Well I'm not going to get serious with him again. He just eat my pussy and we cuddle. He picked me up and took me and laid me on the bed. Then y'all know what happened next.

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