Chapter 12

27 3 7

•Dec 15•

Tasha P.O.V.

My nurse told me yesterday that I could go home today. She said I could've went home yesterday but they forgot to tell me. And when they did tell me it was late that night. So I just decided to stay and leave at 7 this morning. Hopefully Edward hurry up and get here because it's 7 now. I had Shy baby bag and car seat custom made. They so cute.

"Ma when can we leave?" Mini asked me.

"When your daddy get here." I told her. I got my phone and called him.

*Phone Convo*

"You ready?"

"Yea. Where you at?"

"I'm at home. I'm leaving now though."

"What you was doing?"

"I was waiting on you to call me so that I could leave."

"Ok Edward."

"Ok Mo."

"I told you to stop calling me that."

"I told you to stop calling me that."

"Bye Edward."

"Bye Mo."

"You do have her car seat right?"

"You do have-- Yes I do have her sat seat Mo."


*End of Convo*

He so annoying and retarded. Talking bout he was waiting on me to call him. I got up and made sure that I had everything.

"He coming?" Mini asked me.

"Yea he said that he was on the way." I said.

"Can I hold Shy until daddy comes?" She asked me.

"Yea come on." I sat in the middle of the bed and I sat Mini in my lap then I gave her Shy. "Put your hand behind her head." My phone started ringing from Edward calling me.

*Phone Convo*

"Yes Edward."

"You want me to bring the car seat up there or leave it in the car?"

"Bring it up here Edward."


*End of Convo*

"She so pretty." Mini said.

"Just like her momma." I said.

"You not pretty." Mini said looking at me with a stank face. I tilted my head to the side. "I'm just playing mommy." She said rubbing my face laughing.

"Very funny." I said.
I'm now at home. I don't even know why I didn't call Dasha to pick me up so I didn't have to ask Edward. But Edward would've got mad if I didn't call him. I went in the living room and sat on the sofa across from Dasha.

"Bring me my niece."

"You better come get her because I just sat down." I said. Propping my feet up. She got up and came and got her. She started talking to her in baby talk and I zoned her out and started watching me a LMN movie.

"Lisa know you out?" Dasha asked me.

"I don't think so. I haven't talked to her yet today. I'm finna call her." I said. I got my phone off of the coffee table and called Lisa.

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