Chapter 1.

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Now don't get started on Asa. He's a rich christian boy who hasn't even lived yet. This boy knows nothing besides what's right in front of him. Which is the Bible and piles of homework. Everybody, at school, knows what his family is like, but it doesn't really matter since all the girls swoon at the sight of him.

Asa only ever talks to his friends, who all go to the same church as him. And it seems that he might have his eye on a certain someone. Clarice, she sings in the choir. Clearly he hasn't told her, but he plans to eventually.

As he walks down the hallway, Briar can't help but look at him in disgust. She was never the kind of person who took interest in anything that had to do with religion.

"Look at him." She tells her best friend Chris.

"What?" He, was obviously not listening. "Oh, pretty boy. Why is he always dressed up like that? It's only high school. No one gives a shit if you wear a suit."

"Come on let's go." She told him.

The bell rang and it was time for the first class of the day. Most days were boring like this. Not much ever happened for Briar. She usually sits in class and chews on a piece of gum while her teachers babble on about something that wasn't important to her.

If she had it her way, she would have left school a long time ago. Her dad, she knew, wouldn't allow it. He worked so hard so that she could be where she was and Briar knew she would never hurt her father like that.

"Psst. Chris." She hissed at her friend.

"What?" He whispered back.

Briar was going to say something when she was caught by her teacher.

"Miss Cole is their something more important to you at the moment?" Miss Rivers asked.

"Uhhh... no." Briar replied.

"Well I suggest you listen if you wish to pass my class." Miss Rivers was not impressed.

Briar rolled her eyes and sat back in her chair. She didn't really listen to whatever her teacher was saying. She only picked up a few things here and there. It was mostly something about how to find the measurement of the side of a triangle. Chris seemed to be on the same side as her. The both of them didn't really care about math. As long as they knew the basics Briar and Chris didn't really care about anything else.

Briar was practically out of her seat by the time the bell rang. She pulled Chris by the hand and ran out of the class as soon as possible. The rest of the students filled the hallways within seconds. Soon enough you could hear the clanging of the lockers as they opened and closed.

Then came Asa walking down the hallway again. Like before, Briar only looked at him with a side eye. As he passed by her, he hit her shoulder.

"Hey watch it!" She yelled at him.

"Sorry..." He replied awkwardly then kept walking.

She looked over at Chris who was standing beside her at her locker.

"That pretentious prick. Does he not see how stuck up he is?"

"Truthfully Bri", that was his nickname for her," I believe it's whatever his parents have been putting inside his head."

"And god knows what that may be." She said sarcastically.

She and Chris parted ways and walked to their next class of the day. Briar had a class she presumed was something about the well being of others, but she didn't really care to remember the name. Half the time she never even showed up for the class and the other half of the time she drew graffiti on the desk.

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