Chapter 19.

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Clarice inhaled and shook her head, "So what, you just ran?"

"Yes!" Asa didn't wait a second to reply, "We ran as fast as we could. The priest, he helped. He tried to distract them as long as he could. We kept running and it felt like the sirens weren't getting any closer."

Asa could remember the damp grass and plants as they finally left the path that had lead them to the base of Saint Anne mountain. Briar followed him as he still held her hand as tight as he could. It was so dark outside and their eyes were still having a hard time adjusting.

"Slow down Asa." Briar was running out of breath.

"We have to keep going." He looked at her. "I'm not going to lose you."

She took another breath. All she could do was nod and they kept going. The ground was full of rocks and roots, from trees, that were protruding . They were lucky that they didn't trip over them. Briar couldn't imagine what they would do if one of them had twisted their ankle or even fallen and cut their head open. They just had to have faith that they would both be okay.

They stopped for a moment, Asa looked back at Briar. "You can do this." He told her.

He took her hand again and they ventured farther up the west side of the mountain. She put all that she had to continue. Asa was right, they had to keep going, but they had been running for so long and she could feel her knees buckling under all the pressure.

"Asa, I can't do this anymore." Briar said as she finally gave way to her aches. Her knees fell to the ground.

"It's not over. We can do this." He kneeled down beside her.

She looked in to his eyes, the pain gave her tears. "We need to stop."

"I won't let you." He put his right arm under her knees and his left arm around her torso.

He carried her, she stayed close to his chest. It was difficult navigating the terrain, but Asa was determined to get away from the people that would pull them apart. He walked for fifteen minutes or maybe it was more, they couldn't tell. The mountain got steeper as they went on.

"Asa... Please..." She pleaded with him. "We can figure this out. Just stop."

"No! I'm not giving up!" He was stern.

There were multiple tears falling down her cheek now, "I'm not giving up... I... I would rather spend these moments not running away. We've already done enough running."

He let out a breath and placed her on the ground. The grass was wet, but it was soft and the moon was shinning brightly over them. He gave in. He sat down beside her and held her close.

Asa thought that maybe they wouldn't find them this far out on the mountain. They couldn't hear sirens or see any lights. He prayed that they had gone far enough out of the way. He wanted to keep Briar safe and he would do anything for her.

Briar's head rested on his chest. She wrapped her arms around him, she never wanted to let go of him. He kept her warm and she would always remember the sent from his shirt.

"I love you." She told him quietly.

He held her tighter, "I love you, too." He smiled and kissed the top of her head lightly.

She looked up at him, the light of the moon hitting his face perfectly. "I want you to love me." She raised her right hand to caress his cheek.

"I can stop if you want." He told Clarice, who was sitting on his bed. "Stuff sort of happens at that moment. We..."

She looked at him, "So what you're saying is that you're not a... virgin anymore."

"Yeah." He peered at her.

Clarice took a deep breath, "I said that I wanted to hear it all. So don't leave anything out."

"Okay." He continued.

Asa didn't say anything as Briar turned around and stood on her knees. Now both of her hands found themselves on the back of his neck. Sweat dripped down his face, he placed his left arm around her waist. She leaned down closer to him. As their lips finally touched, there was no stopping them.

Briar pulled his shirt off. Asa did the same to her. His hand were on either side of her face. He kissed her with passion that flashed like rose petals in his mind. They couldn't be separated.

Finally they pulled away for a moment. She kissed his neck, then all the way down his chest. He was breathing heavily and he wished for this feeling to never end. Briar undid his belt and then continued down. She fell back on the grass and pulled him along. He stared at her, waiting for the next move.

"Let me help you with that." He unhooked the buttons on her jeans, then her zipper.

She pulled him down and their lips fell to each other for a second, "There's no going back." She said.

"I know." He didn't wait an instant to kiss her again.

She placed her arms around his back as she felt him against her. It was nothing like she had ever experienced befored. She tried to hold back her voice from exploding with devotion. She couldn't do it. Asa made her expose all her deepest darkest desires without saying a single word. All he had to do was touch her.

She rolled him over and set her hands firmly on his chest. She could feel the lust rising up from the bottom of her back to her heart. It was as if the ocean had washed over them in such lightness, yet she felt warm.

Briar fell on top of Asa's chest and they laid there for a while. They both took in the crisp night air. She imagined that they could stay there forever, all she wanted to do was fall asleep right in that moment. If only the shining of flashlights in the distance didn't appear.

They quickly tried to grab their clothes and run. Their hands were full and it was hard to run through the trees in the middle of the night.

"I can see them!" A man called out from the storm of lights behind them.

They tried to run faster. Briar struggled and slipped.

"Asa!" She yelled for him.

He turned back and saw her on the ground. He let go of everything in his hands and went to her. He wrapped her up in his arms and held her as close as he could.

"I'm sorry." She cried.

He looked at her, "It's okay."

She couldn't stop the tears, "It's not. I'm so sorry."

"Yes it is." He smiled at her. "Briar, we will make it through this." He held her left hand and admired her wedding ring.

They didn't get up and try to run again. Their fight was over. They knew that they would make it through together. They had managed to do it all this time.

"We didn't even hear the police walk up on us." Asa told her." They tried ripping us away. Briar screamed for me. I tried to hold on to her as long as I could. They placed a blanket over her after they finally pulled us apart. She still reached for me and I tried my best to get to her. Eventually there was nothing I could have done. I knew that they would take her away from me." He looked down to his feet.

Clarice took his words in. She felt his sadness. She got up from the bed and walked over to him. For a split second she thought of what she would do, but she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him.

"I'm sorry Asa." She said. She took a step back from him.

"There's nothing you could have done." He told her.

They stood there in silence for a moment. Then it hit her. She had completely forgotten about it.

"Asa?" She asked to see if he was paying attention.


"Two weeks ago, the day I saw you last." She started, "I ran in to Chris. Briar's friend... Um... he said that Briar had a message for you. It was..." She was having a hard time remembering. "It was..." Then it finally came to her. "It was one word. He said to tell you, whale."

Asa grabbed her shoulders, "Whale?!"

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