Chapter 23.

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As they finally reached the door to the hospital, Asa grabbed Briar a wheelchair. She appreciated it a lot. The pain was getting worse and much closer in time. They were lucky to be greeted and sent in the right direction in no time at all. They were given a room and they hooked Briar up to all these intimidating machines. She also made sure not to skip on the epidural. For a while it seemed like it was helping, but as time went along she felt like it wasn't really doing what it was supposed to.

A couple hours went by and everyone tried to get a bit of rest, but Briar was having a hard time. She was also starving, but food was a strict no-no. A nurse would also check-in every once in a while to make sure everything was okay.

Briar was terrified, even when everyone around her seemed so calm. She was scared that something would go wrong, but she knew the risks weren't high for her. She was also still stuck thinking of baby names. Asa did choose some really nice names, she just had to get her mind off of the ache she felt through her whole body.

"How are you doing?" A sleepy Asa asked her.

She still managed to smile at him, "Okay, I guess."

He took her right hand and rubbed it, "You've always been a fighter."

"I'm pretty sure there was quite a lot of times where I was just ready to end it all." She still tried to laugh, but it was quickly overtaken by the anguishing pressure. She squeezed Asa's hand hard.

He held on, "But you're still here with me, so that makes you a fighter."

A nurse finally came in to check everything again. She made sure all the machines were giving back good results. She smiled at a long sheet of paper with a long zigzagy line. "The heart beat looks good."

"That's.. good." Briar said as a contraction went on.

"I think it's probably a good time to do an examination." The nurse continued.

Briar didn't really like the pain that came with this examination. It felt like a long burning sensation. It made her uncomfortable, but it didn't last long.

"Well Miss Cole," The nurse started, "I think you are just about ready to meet your baby."

"Really?!" Her reaction quick.

"I'll go let the doctor know and we'll get going." She smiled as she left the room.

Briar turned to Asa. She looked so scared that she may have even had tears in her eyes.

"It's going to be okay." Asa tried to calm her down.

She pondered a thought for a moment, "Where's my dad?"

"He said that he would prefer to sit outside the room." He told her.

"Okay." She was relieved that he hadn't left, but it was only a quick distraction. 

It was less than a minute later when the doctor and a couple of nurses walked in. They set everything up and Briar knew that there was nothing she could do to slow this down.

In the beginning she didn't find it too difficult, but that burning she felt earlier rose up within ten minutes. She quickly grabbed Asa's hand. He didn't let go at any time. He tried to keep her company through all the screaming and hyperventilating. At some point he though she might break his hand, because of all squeezing. He kept encouraging her, until they finally heard the cries of their baby. Briar took a big breath, finally relaxing.

"Congradulations, it's a boy." The doctor told them. 

Asa smiled and leaned over to kiss Briar on her forehead, while the nurses cleaned their baby. They handed him over to Briar and she couldn't help but cry tears of joy. Asa looked down to his son and touched his small fisted hand. 

"He looks like a Wyatt." Briar peered up to Asa.

"Yeah, he really does." He was so happy. 

"Here." She moved to hand him the baby.

Asa held him gently and moved to sit in the chair beside Briar's bed. He just looked at Wyatt with such wonder. This little human being looked so much like him, but he definitly had his mother's nose. It was small and very round. He didn't know what to even say to his son, Asa was just so amazed. 

Once everything had been cleaned up and the doctor, and nurses, left, Briar's dad finally came in to the room. He looked so happy to see them and he was even happier to meet his new grandson. He held Wyatt in his arms, he had the same expression as Asa did.

"He's got your nose Briar." Her father told her.

"Yeah, he does," She smirked, "But he looks so much more like Asa."

Asa quietly stepped out of the room for a moment. He pulled out his phone and searched for his mother's number. He texted her about the good news. He thought that his parents at least deserved to know. 

He returned to the room and went back to Briar's side. They were still all overjoyed. They couldn't get enough of their baby. 

After a few hours, Briar was almost falling asleep. She had been up for such a long time and she was ready to take a rest. A nurse walked in to the room and offered to take Wyatt to the nursery while they all could have some time to relax. Briar was a little sceptical at first, but the nurse convinced her that everything was going to be fine. 

Briar was very relieved to have some time to sleep and luckily her eyes were closed shut in a matter of minutes.

Around one o'clock in the afternoon, she finally woke up. Briar felt like she had a little more energy. Asa wasn't far behind her, he woke hearing her sit up in her bed.

"Can you see if they can bring Wyatt back?" She asked him.

"For sure." Asa got up from his chair and walked out to the nurses station.

A few seconds later, he was back in the room and he talked with Briar for a couple minutes. Of course their conversation was all centered around their son. They thought he was perfect.

Briar's dad said that he would go home and grab some stuff for them and that he would be right back. 

It seemed to be quite a long time and their was still no sign of a nurse with Wyatt. Briar pressed the button to alert someone to come in to the room. It didn't take that much time before a lady walked in.

"I asked to have my baby brought back to the room." She explained to her.

The lady's face was very straight forward, "I'm sorry Miss Cole, we can't allow you to see your baby."

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