Chapter 2.

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Asa couldn't believe this girl. She was mean and rude and he didn't want anything to do with her. The way she was talking to him, he did not appreciate it. Asa disliked this girl. He disliked using the word hate. He knew it wasn't a good word to use when he didn't approve of something. His parents thought him to be a good boy, to follow the rules.

Sometimes when he was sick, Asa, felt guilty for missing church. His whole life revolved around God and he wasn't ever going to abandon him. He enjoyed going to church. He was able to hang out with his friends. George, David and Clarice, they were always there. Clarice, well he's had a crush on her for the past two years. Whenever he thought of her, his heart would start to race. He knew if he asked her out to diner his parents, and her's, would probably accept, but with the condition that they take a chaperon. One day, he knew, he would ask her.

"Are you okay?" Clarice asked him.

"Oh yeah, sorry." He responded.

"I can't believe she just spoke to you like that." She was more surprised then Asa was. "She can't just yell at you like that. One day I hope she'll see the light."

"It was partly my fault, Clarice. It was my food that landed on her and I wasn't entirely paying attention. Maybe.... Maybe I should go talk to her." Asa said as he stood in the middle of the cafeteria.

"Don't worry Asa, she will forgive you when she finds a spot in her heart for goodness." She smiled at him. "Come, let's go get you a new lunch."

He walked along with Clarice back to the long lineup for food. Looking at her made his chest feel heavy. Sometimes he felt like he might explode out of nervousness. He had never met anyone, like her, who could make him feel that way.

Some days, he imagined his future where he's married to Clarice and they have the most amazing family. He can see himself teaching his future son how to throw a baseball and tucking in his daughter in bed at night. He wanted that life with Clarice. She was the only person he could ever see himself living with, but first he had to get through high school, which he was not worried about.

After ten minutes, Asa had his lunch and was sitting down and eating. He noticed that everyone seemed to be having a good time, he was never able to see the bad side of things. Clarice was smiling and laughing and he was too. This went on through out all of lunch.

The bell rang and Asa got up and headed to his next class, English. He enjoyed the class. He got to write and discuss matters in which he believed in and although his friends were not in his class, he was never lonely. As long as he had something to read, he was never alone. Of course it had to be something appropriate for someone his age.

Asa's day went on and he headed to his last class of the day, were he sat and listened patiently. After an hour and a little bit passed, it was time for him to go home. His bus ride home wasn't to long and before he knew it, he was home. He was greeted by his mother.

"So how was your day at school sweetheart?" She asked him.

"It was okay. Nothing too spectacular." He replied.

"Well, don't you worry," His mother told him, " I'm cooking up a spectacular diner. We'll eat as soon as your father gets home."

"Okay, I'll go start my homework in my room." he said to her.

His mother gave him a smile before he walked upstairs, to his room. He sat down at his desk and studiously worked on his homework. He didn't have much of it, but enough to keep him occupied until his father got home. It was like this almost everyday. His father never really talked about work with him, and although Asa didn't really know what his father did, he always assumed he must be doing something important.

He worked on his homework for about an hour before his mother called him down for supper. So, he joined his parents downstairs, where his father had just gotten home. His father kissed his mother's cheek and set his coat down and then sat down at the antique dinning table, his parents purchased from an auction. Asa sat down beside his father and they waited for his mother to bring in that night's dinner. She walked in a couple minutes later with a tuna casserole, that she had learned to make from one of her cooking classes she had taken a few years ago.

"Smells amazing Jill." Asa's father stated.

"Well, I know how much you two both enjoy it so much." She answered back.

In reality, Asa didn't really care for his mother's tuna casserole. It didn't taste like much and he disliked tuna, all by itself. In the end, however, he put up with her cooking because they were family and why would you hurt your mother's feelings over a tuna casserole.

Asa turned to his dad, "So father, how was work today?"

"Not bad, same as usual. Nothing out of the ordinary."

"Oh Dill," Jill butted in."it's the same every day. I think you should do something different tomorrow... I've got it! Maybe you should have lunch before noon hour, that would be quite different." She smiled.

Asa loved his parents, but this conversation would happen every day. He would ask his father how his day was, then he would reply that nothing happened and then his mother would blurt out something that he could do make his day more exciting. Last week she told him that he should take the public transportation, for the first time. Obviously Dill wasn't to fond of that idea. This is how every night happened in his house. And of course, they could never miss their evening prayer. That seemed to be the best part of the night for Asa's mother. For Asa, the only thing that would make his night even better was if his mother would have decided to make some sort of dessert. That would be the cherry on his cake.

He would always help his mother with the dishes, while his father would migrate to the living room where he would sit on his couch and watch whatever sport he felt like watching that day. Most days it was baseball, but on the odd occasion, it might be football.

Eventually, Asa would return to his room and finish his homework. Or sometimes Clarice would call, like tonight. He enjoyed talking to her.

"Clarice! It's so nice of you to call." He spoke with a smile, although he knew that she couldn't see him.

"I was wondering what you might be doing tomorrow, Saturday." She replied.

"I don't think I have anything planned."

"Well me... And my family, of course. We are going to see a movie and wanted to know if you would like to join us?"

"Join you... uh, yes. Yes, I would love to join you and your family."

"Great, we will pick you up at lunch hour." She hung up the phone.

Asa fell back onto his bed, excited by the prospect of going to the movies with his one and only future wife. This one movie could change everything for him and nothing was going to ruin that perfect day.

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