Chapter 10.

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Walking for a couple hours their feet started to feel the strain. They knew that they couldn't be far from a bus station that could take them away. All they knew was that they were going to have the time of their lives.

"There it is!" Briar finally spotted the bus station.

They paced as quickly as they could to the door of the establishment. Luckily they were open. Inside there was no one, but for the clerk at the desk. He didn't seem like he was glad to be there, and Briar knew that he probably wished he was at home sleeping.

"So where are we running off too?" She turned to Asa.

"I don't know. Where should we go?" He replied.

She looked at him, "Surprise me. Choose any place you can think of."

"Okay." He kissed her forehead and walked over to the man behind the desk, while Briar walked to a near by bench.

Asa took a glance at the board with the different locations. Toronto, Saskatoon, Calgary. He wasn't too sure about any of those. He kept looking, taking a look at places to the east. Montreal, Quebec. He didn't feel like going to a big city, he was tired of people bumping in to him in the streets. Then it was like a light had illuminated itself above his head. He caught sight of a place named Percé. He was curious.

"I'll take two tickets to Percé please." He asked the man.

"K" He played with the toothpick in his teeth. He slowly prepared everything. "You're lucky kid. That bus is arriving at six in the morning. Only comes every two months. I also believe you two are the first to buy tickets for that place from here."

"Well then it will be an adventure." He gave the man the money and retrieved the tickets. "Have a good evening." He said as he turned to leave.

Briar was waiting for him on the old wooden bench that lined the inside of the room. She smiled at him as he sat down beside her. He took her hands and kissed them gently.

"Look at us." He laughed. "Such delinquents."

"Welcome to the Sith." She joked with him.

Asa laughed for a second. "So now that we are running away together. I believe I should get to know you better."

"Of course Mister Parks." She played around with him. "I'm an evil little girl who decided it would be fun to make as much trouble as possible."

"Oh Briar what am I going to do with you?" His grin was wide. "But really, tell me everything about you."

Briar was flustered. "I don't know what to say."

"What's your favorite colour? Start with that."

She looked down to her hands in his. "You'll think I'm stupid, but it's pink."

"Interesting, I thought it would be black or something. Mine's green."

"It's pretty." She told him. "How about your family, tell me about them. They seem really nice."

"Well," He started, "There's my parents, no siblings, no pets. My mom doesn't work and my dad has some sort of high paying job. He never talks about it. And obviously you know about my religious life, but I'm ready to make a new turn. I'm here with you, I'm sure they wont mind my absence for a while."

Briar gave herself a moment to think before looking into Asa's eyes. "You know, I'm really sorry if I ever hurt your feelings with my name calling. I think I was just really mad at the world and stuff..."

"There's no need for apolagies, you were forgiven the second you said them." He pulled her in to a hug. "I don't think I ever imagined my life to turn into this. Taking the high road, lying to my parents, it's all worth it. Thank you Briar."

"I will never figure out how you work." She smiled even without him seeing it. "I've pretty much just destroyed your life in less than two days."

"No, you've made it better."

"How can you be so sure? I ripped you out of your perfect life."

Releasing from their embrace, Asa looked at her, "It wasn't perfect until you got here."

"Stop it, really." Briar playfully slapped his arm. "I'm not perfect what so ever. I'm the complete opposite. I'm a hot mess." She looked back down to her hands.

Asa touched her chin and lifted her face until she saw him clearly. "Yeah, but you're my hot mess."

There was no hesitation in her movements. Briar lifted her left hand to his jaw and met with his lips. It felt like forever, but the kiss only lasted a matter of seconds. Asa caught a glimpse of Briars brilliant smile, he couldn't help but join in.

"Asa?" She asked and he looked at her. "Is it crazy to say that I think I'm falling in love with you?" 

"No." He was simple.

Briar yawned, "I'm so sorry."

"Don't worry, I'm tired too." He yawned too. "Here," He motioned to his knee, "Use me as a pillow."

Briar placed her feet on the bench and laid her head on Asa's lap. He stroked her hair, softly playing with it. It didn't take him long to start a humming a song. Briar had never heard it before, but she found herself slowly drifting to sleep as he continued.

That night she had a dream, a dream that only showed her fractions of a scene. She couldn't tell what was going on and she would hardly remember it the moment she woke up, but what she could remember was happiness. Maybe it was a story she had read before and had imagined the characters that night.

"Wake up sleepy head." A voice called out to Briar.

She was slowly waking up, her words a little muffled. "What?..."

"The bus is here." It was Asa.

"Oh..." Briar slowly wiped her eyes open.

She was staring up at Asa who was still in the same spot from before she had fallen asleep. He still looked perfect in her mind. His hair barely untouched and his clothes still somewhat clean.

Asa helped her up and they quickly grabbed their bags. As he had said, the bus was at the station. The sun had only just started to rise and it gave the sky a nice red colour. The door to the bus was open and waiting for them. They walked on to the bus and only found two other passengers. One was an old lady and the other was a skinny unkempt man. They sat down in the back seats of the bus that gave a little extra room.

"I'm so ready for this." Briar smiled back at Asa, sitting beside her.

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