Chapter 15.

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It was July 2nd. It had been exactly two months since they had been caught by the cops. Briar sat at her bedroom window wishing to see Asa again. They had put them both on house arrest. No one but her dad, her mom and the cops could talk to her.

She snorted as she thought of her mom. She remembered her first reaction upon seeing her mom in the house when the cops brought her home.

She walked through the front door on that day and there she was. Her mom dressed in business clothes, she looked so... proper. Her mom had the expression of being concerned, but Briar had hatred. All she wanted to do was throw everything she could reach at her.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Briar was angry.

"Briar sweetheart," Her mother started.

Briar quickly cut her off, "Don't call me sweetheart." She was stern, "If I was your sweetheart, then you would be a mother who didn't abandon her daughter and her husband."

"Briar," Her mother took a breath, "We were worried."

She turned to her father, "So what now you're on her side?!"

"Briar," Her father began, "You left no note, no call. Then we get a visit from the police saying you kidnapped a boy from school. What do you think I was supposed to do?"

"God!" Briar snarled, "Briar,Briar, Briar! You actually think I kidnapped him! Great!"

"I don't know what to believe!" Her father was getting mad now.

"I'm fucking innocent!" She yelled at him.

"If you're so fucking innocent, then explain it to me!" He yelled louder.

Briar took all the energy she had to tell him, "Well, what if we were in love!"

Her father's reaction changed, he calmed down, "In... love."

She walked over to the living room couch and sat down, her dad sat at the other end and her mom sat in the old recliner. They listened to her.

"Yes, in love." She looked at her dad. "You saw us. Remember. That's when it started."

"I thought he didn't like you. He left like he wasn't coming back." Her dad tried to understand.

"Well, I confronted him about it the next day and he came back that night. You were at work." She continued, "We just had to do it."

Her father took a second to think. "So you ran off like Romeo and Juliet?"

"Exactly like that. We didn't think twice about it." She said.

Her parents just looked at each other. They didn't know what to say. They both just sat there with their minds unable to keep up. They kept thinking of other reasons why Briar would have done this, but the only one that made sense was the one she had told them.

"I'm going to go to bed." She said as she got up and walked up the stairs to her room.

Briar sat down on the bench beside her window and stared out it as she held on tightly to a small pillow. The sun was almost gone and she could still hear her parents talking. All she could do was cry. Tears ran down her face that night. She felt like they would never stop. She cried for Asa. They couldn't do this to them. He promissed to never leave her and she knew he wouldn't give up on them.

Days passed, then weeks. Every day someone from the police department would come and check in on her. Then eventually a lawer showed up at the door. They had assigned her to Briar when the Parks family had officially pressed charges against her. The court date was a month away still, but all the preparations had to be made. The lawer wanted to make sure that she had everything to be able to defend Briar.

Deep down, Briar was terrified about what was to come. She just had to trust that she would make it through this. And maybe her lawer wasn't the best, but she was all that she had. She never thought that she would pray, but Briar prayed so hard that she would see Asa again. She was fighting for the both of them.

Two weeks passed by. She kept asking if she could atleast send Asa a letter, but every day the cops said no. She desperatly needed to talk to him.

A couple days later she came down with the flu. She could hardly make it to the washroom in time to vomit whatever she had tried to eat the day before. She wanted it to stop, it hurt.

She heard her dad answer the door. "Yeah, she's upstairs in her room."

Briar couldn't hear any reply, but she wondered who it could be. She knew that her lawer wasn't coming back for a couple days, but she thought that maybe she had forgotten something.

"Knock knock." Chris was at her bedroom door.

"Chris, what are you doing here?" She sat up.

He went and sat on the end of her bed. "They told me you weren't feeling well. It sucks to have the flu."

Briar was flustered, "But how are you here? I'm not allowed to have visitors."

"They made an exception." He smiled. "They thought you could use the cheering up."

Briar smiled too, but not before she could feel the burning acid rise up in her throat. She quickly jumped out of bed, covering her mouth with her hand, as she ran to the washroom. She found herself leaning over the toilet vomiting all that was in her stomac. Chris grabbed her hair, making sure it wasn't in the way.

"That's right. Just let it all out." He said awkwardly.

Just finishing up, briar could still feel the remnants of what had just happened. "It's not funny Chris."

He let go of her hair and she washed her hands and face in the sink. She liked splashing the cold water on her face. It gave her a small break from everything. It made her feel clear for just a moment.

"So how many times does this happen in a day?" He asked her.

"Like fifteen, maybe twenty times. It's at it's worse right now." She replied. After a second she continued, "I have something I want to show you."

She lead Chris back to her room. She went over to the drawer of her bedside table and took out a small piece of paper and a pen. She quickly wrote something down and gave it to him. She was worried that someone might be listening in. He looked at it for a fraction of a second before looking back at Briar.

"If you can get me this and bring it to me," She started quietly, "It would help a lot."

Chris swallowed his saliva, a little surprised at what she had written him, "I'll do my best."

She gave him a hug, almost in tears, "Thank you Chris." She let go of him. "And if you could somehow tell him, it would mean the world. Just tell him, whale. He'll know what it means."

"Okay." He gave her a kiss on her cheek before leaving her room and making his way back to the front door.

Briar watched Chris walk away down the street just as the cops were doing their rounds. She hoped that he would be able to do what she had asked. She knew it was risky, but she had to know.

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