Chapter 21.

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Asa hadn't gone to see Briar yet and she was worried about where he was. She thought that he would be there later in the night, but it was already the next day and she still hadn't heard from him. So many thoughts had gone through her mind. Maybe he made a mistake and didn't want to be with her anymore, or maybe he was dead. It was eating at her brain. Her dad could see that she was visibly worried.

"Maybe you should go see him." He suggested to Briar who was sitting on the living room couch.

She turned to him startled, "Yeah, maybe I should, but he said he would come here as soon as he could... I'm just worried."

"Go see him, Briar." Her dad pushed, "No one is keeping you here anymore."

"Okay." She got up.

She grabbed her shoes and laced them up. Then she made sure to grab a cardigan. She opened her front door and walked down the wooden stairs. Even if it was the middle of the summer, there was quite a few clouds in the sky. It wasn't particularly cold, but Briar though that she could try and hide herself with her cardigan.

She continued down the sidewalk, still remembering every step to get to Asa's house. She wasn't running this time around and she took the time to think. She knew that she was procrastinating, she was afraid of what would happen when she got there. Eventually she couldn't avoid it anymore.

Briar turned the corner to Asa's street, his house was the fourth down. She took every step lightly. Then she could hear a door open. She looked up to see Asa almost falling down the stairs. She started to run towards him. Then a bag was thrown to him.

"Don't come back!" The rough gritted voice of man yelled at him. Then the door was slammed shut.

"Asa." She called out to him.

He lifted his head and saw her, "Briar, what are you doing here?" He walked in her direction.

She stood in front of him now, "I got worried."

He pulled her in for a hug, "I told you that I would be right over."

"One night is too much." She replied, her voice a little muffled by her cardigan. 

They stood there for a few minutes, just to be able to feel each others touch again. They missed it more than they had thought. 

Briar looked at him, finally. "So what was that all about?"

"They yelling?" He smiled, "They kicked me out, well my dad kicked me out. Wrote me a check and told me to never come back."

"I'm sorry." She told him sincerely. 

"It doesn't matter, cause then I wouldn't be able to spend all my time with you..." He placed a hand on her stomach, "...and the baby. There is a baby, right?" He questioned.

"Yes, the baby is real." She smirked at him as she leaned up to kissed him. They parted and she grabbed his hand as she lead him down the street. "Come. You can stay at my place."

They walked away from Asa's house just simply holding hands. Briar thought that they wouldn't be able to stop talking once they were back in each others grip, but the silence felt nice in that moment. Everyone around them wouldn't shut up over the last two months, so this was a nice change.

"So do you know the gendre?" He asked her.

"No, I haven't even gone to see a doctor yet." She started," Plus, I'm pretty sure its still to early to know that."

Asa looked at her, "I can't believe we're going to be parents. Is it crazy to think that?"

She wrapped her arm around his waist, as they kept going. "I don't think it usually happens that fast. I guess we got lucky."

"Well I hope that this luck doesn't end." He smiled. 

They finally walked up on to Briar's street. Asa could see her home and remembered that first day that she had convinced him to go over. It felt like it hadn't been that long ago, but in reality it had been months. 

They walked up the stairs to her house and went inside. Briar's dad was in the kitchen when he heard them walk in, he made his way to the small foyer.

"I assume that it's probably to late to have the talk." He said.

"Dad, really?" She was embarrassed.

"I'm just kidding sweetheart." He turned to Asa, extending his right hand.

Asa shook it, "Don't worry, I promise not to get carried away."

"Okay then." Briar didn't want it to get more awkward. "Dad, Asa's going to be staying with us for a while. He's staying in my room, no arguing." 

She grabbed Asa's hand and dragged him up to her room. She closed her door behind them and took Asa's bag out of his hands and threw it on the ground. She grabbed the front of his shirt and turned him to be at the foot of her bed. Briar pushed him backwards and he fell. She climbed on top of him and leaned down to be inches from his face. Their lips were almost touching. Finally they touched, but only for a second as Asa pulled away.

"Wait!" He looked troubled. "Will it hurt the baby?"

"No. The baby will be fine." She tried to kiss him again.

"Are you sure?" He went on. "And should we already be thinking of names?"

"We still have seven months." She told him. "And again, the baby is fine."

He grinned at her, "I'm just saying..."

Briar collapsed on top of him and laid there looking up at him, "You're never going to let me kiss you, are you."

Asa kept talking like he couldn't hear her, "You know I have a really good name idea."

She knew exactly what he was going to say. "Don't say it."

He taunted her, pretending like he was going to say it. He played around with her.

"Asa, if you say it, I'm going to leave you." She was trying to hold back a smile.

He didn't say anything for a minute. Briar thought he had given up, but then she knew it was too good to be true.

"Whaley," He said it, "We are naming it Whaley."

"God dammit." She started to laugh. "We aren't naming it Whaley."

"Then Waylon." He smiled down at her.

She looked up at him, "I'm sorry, but that was one of the most traumatic days of my life."

Asa played with her hair, "Well, it was one of my favorites." He simpered, "We got married. And maybe the end wasn't really what we wanted, but we had fun."

Briar relaxed on his chest, "I want to go back."

"Me too." He said.

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