Chapter 24.

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"What do you mean, I can't see my baby?!" Briar didn't take kindly to the news.

The nurse seemed a little bit nervous now, "I'm sorry, we just can't."

"What the hell is going on?!" She was ready to let it all out.

"Where is our son?" Asa joined in.

The nurse took in a deep breath, "Child protective services have taken him in to custody." 

"What?!" Briar questioned. "No, I refuse to believe this."

She flipped the blanket off of her and attempted to stand. At first it hurt like hell, but it wasn't going to stop her from getting to her son. She pushed past the nurse and started down the hall. Asa went after her. He was just as worried as she was.

"Go ahead of me, I can't run, but you can." She told him.

"I'll find him." Asa reassured her.

He ran down the hall paying attention to every sign that would lead him to the nursery. The bright lights hurt his eyes and he hopped that he wouldn't slip and fall on the floor tiles that looked slick. He turned corner after corner. Finally he could see the glass window separating the world from the babies in the care of a nurse.

Asa slammed his hands on the window. He looked for Wyatt, he was nowhere. He tried to get a hold of the nurse in the nursery. She ignored him. He shouted louder, he was getting furious. They couldn't do this to him. They couldn't do this to Briar. 

He could hear footsteps coming up behind him. Asa peered behind himself and saw two security guards approaching. He ran, the security guards tried to catch up to him. He wasn't going to give up that easily. He made sure to turn as many corners as possible. If only he would have known that he would run right in to the wrong person at the wrong time. A bunch more of security guards were waiting at he front doors to the hospital. They quickly threw him off of the premises. 

There was nothing he could do. He called Briar to tell her. He could hear her crying on the other end of the phone. Asa tried to hold back tears too, but he told her that he would do anything to find their baby. He would return in the morning to pick her up.

During the next six months, they made phone call after phone call, but it lead to nothing. No one would talk to them. Asa thought that maybe whoever he was talking to at the child protective services didn't believe them. He would ask questions until they would ask him what his name was, once Asa would tell them, they would always hang up. They tried going to the police too, but they could do nothing to help them. They felt defeated.

"Do you think he's happy?" Asa heard Briar say.

"I hope so." He said over the clicking of his fingers on his laptop's keyboard.

Briar was constantly worried, "But what if he's not?"

"We just can't think like that. Wyatt is strong." He said.

"He's a baby, how can he be strong?" She shook her head," I doubt he would even remember me if we ever found him." 

Asa got up and went over to her, "We are going to find him. I know it's not really your thing, but I have faith. I pray every night that we will see him again."

She gave him a shy smile, "I admire how optimistic you are."

"We will find him." He told her as he got up to return to his laptop.

Asa spent hours searching the internet to try and find answers. He still couldn't find anything useful. His days were spent like this. Searching for their son consumed them.

The next morning Asa went out to the mailbox down the street. He collected the envelopes and random vouchers for stuff he was never going to try. He went through it all on his way back. Most of it was for Briar's father, but then there was an envelope with his name. He quickly ripped it open. He read it and then ran back inside as fast as he could. 

"Briar?!" He shouted for her.

"What?" She said coming down the stairs.

He took the letter and showed her, "It's a summons to court. This can't just be nothing. It has to be about Wyatt."

"When is it?" She asked.

He looked at the date, "Next week on tuesday."

"Get our baby boy back." She told him.

Days went by and they both were trying to wrap their minds around everything. This was going to be their chance to get Wyatt back. Briar started to see the good things in life again. She couldn't stop talking of all the things that they were going to do as a family. Asa loved seeing her like this. It had been so long since he saw the real Briar. 

On tuesday evening, Asa straightened his tie in front of the washroom mirror. After, he made his way downstairs. Briar was in the living room. She sat on the springless couch looking out the front window. She saw Asa.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you too." He responded as he walked for the door.

He walked down the streets of the town. He remembered the last time he stood in front of the courthouse. This time, the sun was setting. Asa pushed the doors open, it wasn't busy inside. Only a couple of security personnel and a few people walking around. He headed down the hallway to the room that was left to him in the letter.

Once he found the right spot, he looked over the large doors up and down. It brought back so many memories. He took hold of the door handles. He pushed on them slowly. They were locked. He didn't understand. 

"You're too late." A man sitting on a bench in the darkness said.

Asa turned to look at the man. The voice was incredibly familiar. "I should have known that you would be here."

The man stood up and walked in to the light, "Asa you're my son, I still keep an eye on you."

"Am I right to guess that you're the one keeping my son from me? You're the one who sent me this letter." He finally figured it all out.

"It's a pretty good guess." Dill said.

"So where is he?" He asked.

Dill gave a little bit of a laugh, "You're never going to see him again. He's with his parents."

"Me and Briar are his parents." Asa was stern.

"No! You are kids!" Dill was just as much. "Go back to school, then maybe we can talk."

"I'm not leaving until I have answers!" He yelled at his father.

"Fine." He said straight up, "The adoption was finalized two hours ago."

"Adoption?!" Asa was angry, "Don't I have a say?! Wyatt is my son!"

"Yeah and you are mine!" He retorted. "I made sure you had no say."

Asa smiled to the ground then rage covered his face as he looked his father down, "When you get to Hell," He moved closer to him, "I hope Satan has a spot right for you. I pray that he will hang you on hooks and rip you apart limb by limb and you will feel it all before he burns you for eternity." 

For a moment, Dill said nothing. He just let the words sink in. "You should have never sent that text message to your mother." He turned and started walking down the hallway.

"Wait!" Asa caught up to him. He pulled a letter out from his pocket, "Let this be my say, I know you're the only one who can get it to him."

Dill grabbed the letter and placed it inside the poket of his suit jacket. He left, leaving Asa to fade away in the darkness. 

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