Chapter 13.

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Briar took his hand, enchanted by what he was leading her towards. They left the room and walked down the stairs. Asa was excited to show her his secret. He saw it briefly as he was coming back from the store.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked him.

"I saw a sign pointing to the wharf. I thought we could go check it out." He told her.

She gladly smiled and he pulled her along. They walked for several minutes, passing plenty of little stores. Briar made a mental note to go and take a look later on. This little town was painted like a rainbow and it brought out a sense of joyfulness that couldn't be destroyed.

They finally arrived at the wharf. The water was calm at the moment, so there was no splashing up on to the wood. Asa took her all the way to the other end of the it. He stood there looking out in to the distance of the water.

"What are you looking at?" Briar questioned him.

He looked to her, "I'm not sure. It's just so calm."

"I like it too." She told him.

He sighed, "Why can't life just be like this forever?"

Briar agreed, "It would be nice, wouldn't it?"

"But enough sulking," He started, "We've run away together and we haven't even been on our first date. I owe you a first date."

He took her hand lightly and walked her to the main strip of road, where all the restaurants sat. They walked across to the other side of the road. They chose a nice little restaurant with a red painted deck. Since it was a little bit before supper, it wasn't incredibly busy. Asa chose them a spot on the deck, where their table had an umbrella to shield them from the sun.

"So what are we going to eat?" She playfully inquired.

"Well they seem to be advertising pizza a lot." He laughed.

She smirked at him, "Sounds great to me. Just dont put any pineapple."

"What?!" He was being sarcastic, "You don't like pineapple on your pizza?! It's the best."

"No it isn't."She laughed back at him,

"I know," He kissed her hands, "I'm just teasing you."

They both laughed a little, talking about life and whatever had befallen them before. It was only a matter of minutes that they were talking, then a waitress walked up to them. She was a middleaged woman who seemed to have put many hours in that day, but she was still glad to be serving customers.

"What could I get you two to drink?" She said with a very heavy french accent.

"Two iced teas please." Asa said to her.

"I'll be right back." She responded.

"Merci." He replied.

The waitress came back a few minutes later and took down their food order. They chose a pizza with pepporoni, two different kinds of cheese and some bacon. They both continued talking as they waited for their food. They told each other stories from when they were younger. Then the subject changed to what they had in comon. It was quickly cut off by the delivery of their pizza. The waitress placed it right in between them on the table and handed them each a plate.

"Thanks." Briar told her. Then she went back to Asa, "Looks amazing."

"I'm starved." He looked like he could devour it in seconds.

They each grabbed a piece and placed it on their plate. For a second they both thought of how they were going to eat the pizza. With cutlery or without. Briar didn't usually use a knife and a fork, but she wasn't sure what Asa usually used. He was thinking the same thing.

"So..." He started.

Briar lifted her shoulder and let them go as she exhalled, "Hands?..."

"Totally." He finally responded.

They didn't miss a beat biting in to the overly cheesy pizza. Asa managed to get sauce on his cheek and Briar had a hard time keeping her laughter at bay.

"Here, let me get it for you." She took her thumb and wiped the sauce of his face.

"Thank you." He replied to her.

Together, they were able to finish the whole pizza. Briar wiped the mess off her face with her napkin and Asa did the same.

"I'm just going to run to the washroom." He told her.

She looked up at him as he walked away, "I'll be here."

Briar thought of how nice it was to be there in that moment. She just wanted to forget the reality that was waiting for her back home. She left nothing for her dad to tell him where she was, but she didn't want to talk to him either way. She thought of maybe writing him a letter, since she didn't have a cellphone. She liked being old school with her old 70s homeline and her walkman. All she could do was look on the bright side of things and hope that her dad wasn't too worried.

Asa came back, "Are you ready to go?"

Briar was confused for a moment, "Don't we need to pay?"

"Already done." He smiled at her.

"You could have let me pay for my part." Briar was serious.

"In that case, I wouldn't be such a gentleman." He said.

She gave in, "I guess not."

He held out his hand and she took it. They walked down the sidewalk back towards the motel. The sun was starting to set and the bars all the way down the road were starting slow down for the night.

Asa opened the door to the room. He glanced over at the clock on the bedside table. it was almost eight o'clock.

"I'm getting tired." Briar yawned.

"Same here." He responded.

"Let me go get ready for bed, then we can relax." She walked to the washroom.

Asa got ready for bed too. He took his clothes off, only leaving his boxers on. He went over to the bed and sat down. He liked how soft it was.

Briar walked out of the washroom, She had her light pijamas on. She walked over to Asa and sat beside him. They didn't say anything, she just placed her head on his shoulder. They stayed like that for a few minutes. They just took in everything that had happened since they left.

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