Chapter 4.

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"Can you believe them!?" Clarice was furious. Her face had turned red and if it would have been possible, she would of had steam blowing out of her ears.

Asa didn't move. He didn't know what to do or what to say, so he did nothing. He knew that Clarice was a person who could get mad very easily, but that was just a minor thing to him. Clarice is the love of his life.

"Sweetheart, don't worry about it." Her mother said from the front seat. "They're just jealous."

Her father added in,"And look darling, we're at the movie theatre."

"Great, I need to get my mind off of this situation." Clarice's face turned back to a smile.

Everyone got out of the car, which was well over eighty thousand dollars. Asa always admired it, he thought it looked very nice. He was sure that Clarice's father got it polished at least twice a month, cause there was never any imperfections present.

Getting stuck in the beauty of the car, Clarice grabbed a hold of Asa's wrist and dragged him towards the door of the movie theatre. At this point, if he wasn't slowing her down, Clarice would have been running a marathon. Eventually getting in line to buy tickets, Clarice stared intently at what movies were playing that day.

"Which one should we see Asa?" She said fast.

"That one." He pointed to a random movie.

Clarice's eyes grew wide as she turned to him. "Modern Times, that's a Charlie Chaplin classic. I love it. I'm glad the theatre is playing classic black and white films again... it's so romantic. Would you not say so?"

Asa couldn't tell if Clarice was being serious or not, but he was getting the feeling that she seemed to be trying to flirt with him. On the inside he couldn't believe it. The girl he had a crush on was totally in love with him too. It dawned on him that she had never asked him to the movies before either. Is this a date? He kept asking himself that.

Eventually Clarice's parents caught up to them and bought the tickets for the movie. Walking in to the theatre, the lights were dimmed and the screen wasn't as big as Asa remembered. He guessed since he had not gone to this particular theatre in a few years, he had underestimated how small it was. The chairs they sat in were not new either. It was probably the original chairs from when the theatre had opened sixty years ago, but it always gave a lot of character to the town.

The movie started and Clarice jumped and held on to Asa's arm for dear life. Asa couldn't believe how much attention he was getting from her, but he obviously liked it a lot. Every time she laughed he looked over at her, or if she jumped in her seat. She seemed to be doing that quite a lot. He didn't really pay attention to the movie, but he knew no one was going to quiz him on it later.

Once the movie finished all four of them got up and went into the lobby of the theatre. Clarice still had a smile plastered to her face. Her parents seemed to have enjoyed the movie as well.

"Well how did you enjoy the movie darling?" Mr. Scott, Clarice's father asked.

"It was amazing, I absolutely loved it again. I guess seing it for the twenty second time still hasn't changed my opinion." Clarice responded with an air of sophistication that her whole family radiated.

Her father turned to him, "And you Asa, how did you like the film?"

"Well Mr. Scott I--" Asa was cut off.

"Call me Laurence, no need for formalities."

"Well... Laurence, I really loved the sequence with the gears, so intricate... and new for that time." He was wrong about not being quizzed.

"Indeed. Now let's go grab a bite to eat, I'm starved."

Laurence grabbed his wife's, Connie's, hand as they walked out back to the car before they all headed towards a small café not far from the movie theatre. The Scott family were regulars and had their usual seat that the waitress brought them to instantly.

"How's our favorite waitress doing today?"

"I'm doing very well Mr. Scott. How about I get you all started with something to drink." Her name tag read Collette. She went around grabbing everyone's drink order. "I'll be right back with your refreshments." She walked away with a smile.

Not long after Collette came back with the drinks and took all of their orders. Within twenty minutes the food arrived back at their table and they all ate in silence for a good five minutes before Laurence spoke up.

"Enjoying the food?" Everyone nodded to the question. "Good." He took a pause, "Asa, you and Clarice have been friends for a long time and we trust you both. It's clear that some sort of spark is there."

Asa was confused for a moment, then realizing that his secret crush might be revealed. He was completely freaking out on the inside.

"We were thinking," Laurence continued, "Maybe it would be all right if you two could go on a proper date. No parents, just the both of you."

In his head, Asa couldn't believe that his one dream was coming true, minus the chaperon. His parents would have to say yes now. They would be proud.

Clarice started, "Really dad you would let us go on a date, alone." It sounded like she couldn't believe it either.

They all looked at Asa and he knew he couldn't keep silent any longer. "I would be honored. Of course I would need to ask my parents, but I'm sure they would not object."

"Then it's settled," Laurence grinned, "You two will have a lovely time."

The whole ride back to his home, Asa was still in a state of awe. And even though he wasn't speakin much, Clarice clearly over powered him in that sector. She couldn't stop talking about this perfect date, that she seemed to have planned way in advanced.

Once home, he talked to his parents about this now looming date of the future, which they had gladly accepted. Asa was extactic about it all. He took this excitment all the way up to his bedroom, where he fell backwards on to his bed. After a few minutes, this gigantic smile of his face turned inquisitive.

"Wait!" It was all in his head, "What if we kiss? Oh God!...oh, ah, sorry God. I've never kissed a girl. How am I going to know how to do this?!" He was internally hyperventalating. "I can't go at this without any kind of help."

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