Summer Time Ball

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*Julianne's POV*

So the week of Summer Time Ball had been crazy from doing interviews and a lot. So I walk on the set of we're we doing the interview and I keep texting Nathan. Julianne to Nath: Hey babe I wish you were here but I know you are having a day at the house working on the music room and that I love that u sang to me when I woke up and to help me get over my nerves of going on live TV and they ask me if you're coming back and be sing at the Summer Time Ball and they asked me to brings pics of u and me show they can show when they remind everyone who I am. Nath to Jul: I'm so happy you loved the song I sang to you and I am going to be watching from home and can't wait to see you in that sexy shirt that you have on. Julianne to Nath: I will see you when I get to ware house and give Jayne kisses from mummy and tell her to be good or I not take her for a run when I get home with u. I am sit next to my big bro do u care if I do? Nath to Jul: Nope I ask him to sit next to you so you feel safe next to the other me. They call all us to the couch and I sit next to Max and Jay "Jul you ready to do." Yea kind of I talk to Nath and he is going to be watch at our house that he is work on today. So the interview starts and they Introduce us (in this order Tom Parker, Siva Kaneswaran, Jay McGuiness, Julianne Nelson and Max George)" so as we can see right off the back, you boys added a girl to the mix and we want to say welcome to Julianne Nelson who is Nathan's girlfriend who had been singing in Nathan's place until he gets better but we have someone who wants to say hi to someone here" then we hear a voice and I start to smile big and I hear Nath "we have Nathan Sykes on the phone right now, hello lad and hi babe, I wanted to call in and say that you all good dressed up nicely but Jul had bet you all on the sexy chart and that im sorry I cannot be here im still not fully better yet" they all start laughing and I see pictures of us playing as he talks. "thanks for calling in Nathan" "bye babe" "so as we were saying before we shocked Julianne that she is Nathan's girlfriend and had been filling in for him until he is cleared to sing. So Julianne how does it feel to be dating one fifth of The Wanted?" We'll Nathan is a really sweet guy who cares for me and is my best friend and as you have hear has been going through a lot with his voice "do the other guys get mad that you and Nath do your own thing when there really busy?" No not really, I'm best friends with the lads and I'm like there little sister and they love seeing Nathan happy with me. Also Tom and Siva both have girlfriend and i get along with them really well. "Has any of them step up and look after you with Nathan down?" Yea they all have Max has been a big bother to me and been there for me "we have been told that there is a video that is not going to be shown on The Wanted Life of something that is sad to watch" I look at the screen and see the video of when the lads showed up when Nathan was in surgery and Max and Jay hug me and Siva and Tom get down from their seats and talk to me

*the video*

*Max walks in with Tom as Jay and Siva talks to me and ask if I need anything. Max walks thought he door and I get up and hug him and he just talks me and the rest of the lads all hug me and tell me to cry that I am aloud to cry and I sit there waiting for them to let me go see him and we talk about what is going to happen with the band and I kept keeping my face hidden from the camera that was trying to film me and as my eyes were blood shot red.

Sitting there watching the video, I get up and walk out and sit out of frame crying and Siva walks over with Max and they sit there hugging me.

@SivaTheWanted just want to let all you fan's know that the video will be taken down and never been seen due to how hard that was for us to see Julianne sit there crying how scared she was and see how she had to just sit there and wait to see Nathan.

Max takes me to the dressing room and tell big Kev to stay by the door and to tell Nath what just happens. Nath is not happy and said to keep me clam. Max walks in and sit with me, "Julianne they want to know if you want to come back on set for the interview." yea I can do it, we get up and walk about on the set and the lads all give me kisses. "We are back now after we took are break, Julianne are you alright now?" yes I am and I want to say im sorry for what happen, I was not told that that clip was going to be shown, that was a really hard day for all of us and that day I had to let go of Nathan get fixed and we have grown stronger from everything that happen when we were filming The Wanted Life. "We have someone here Julianne who wanted to tell you something" I look over and see Nathan waving at the camera and I get up and sit on his lap. "We have Nathan Sykes here and Nathan why are you covered in paint?" well I was at my new house and I was working on are music room that I am work on. "You both moving in together." Yep and after this we are all going to work on the house and that is what I have been doing most of the time with working on get my voice back and coming up with some new songs that Julianne has been writing for us. "So Nathan will you be back at Summer Time Ball this year?" as of right now I don't know my voice is still not 100% yet so as of now Julianne is going to be sing in my place. "Well you heard it first Julianne Nelson will be doing the show with the lads and Nathan and Julianne are living together. Another new thing in all your life's?" Max looks at me and smiles "well we are all uncles to a very cute little girl name Jayne" "well who had a baby?" we all start to laugh and I tell them why is so funny. Well is a puppy that Nathan got me the day we left LA to come back to the UK and her name is Jayne and the picture that Nathan tweeted out of us with her pops up on the tv. We end the interview and we all change and go over to the house to work on the rooms. You all like the house and the basement is still getting worked on. We all go to the studio and go over the song we will sing for Summer Time Ball. we pick out what im going to have on and we go for having me in the leather jacket with the s on it,  a summer dress with shose that Nareesha gave me for my birthday on and me and Nath put both are earpieces in and I add another one in so I can hear Nathan when is off stage. We all get ready to think of a way to get Nathan in to the show so no one know and I come up with the plan with the help of Scooter. How about if I sing up to I Found You and Nathan come up from the under stage on the catwalk and do his solo and I come up when you lads do and then we let him sing the rest of the songs with you and I will go off stage and let The Wanted be back to the lads. "That sound really good Jul. We all go over to were the show is at and try out what we are going to do and it all works out well. 

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