Last Tour/ Fun Time With Max

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9 months later

*Julianne's POV*

Wow a lot has happen in the past 9 months now, Nathan, Tom, Max, Siva and Jay are getting ready to go on a world tour and is there last for a while, we have most of our wedding plan and I'm a big now and ready to have are little girl and I found out that I'm due when the boys are still in the UK of the tour but we don't know what day she will come, and The After show was so big and the summer camp offices is now open and Nikki and Max have now started thing about buying a house with each other not far from us and are now going to be the godparent of are little girl. I walk over to a sick max who is sleeping on the couch, Max do you want me to see if Nikki can come home early from getting food with Nathan and take care of u? Max look up at me and puts his hand on my belly, "yea Jul and tell her it hurts to talk or anything." Max can i talk to you about something?, he rubs my hand and smiles "yes Julianne what is it?" well im kind of scared that she will come when you boys are not close by and i do not want to take Nathan away from you, Tom, Siva and Jay due to i am in labor. Max rubs my belly and smile "If that happen we will all understand that he want to be there with you and besides you have Karen, Jess, my mum, Nikki, Kels, Nareesha and your family all there for you when you have your little girl and i will make sure that i will try to get Nathan there by your side and back to the show to tell everyone the good news when it happens." Your right Max and I'm happy you boy are letting me come with you boys on a few shows then I can see you all back in London. The door opens and Nikki and Nath walk in with bags in their hands and drinks in the other hand. Nathan puts everything in the kitchen and walks over to me and kisses me and gets down on his knee and talks to my belly, "hello in there!!, I just want to let u know that me and ur mum have been think of u a lot and can't wait for u to come on your with us on tour and I am almost done with the song I wrote for you, but I will play it when u are born on the day of one of the shows and can't wait to see if you will look a Sykes or a Nelson but I have money down that you will look like both of us. I also got you some ice cream but ur mum has to be nice and let me have some too." I try to hide the fact that I'm going to cry but I can't let Nathan know. Nathan I'm going to go work on the baby's room and set everything up. Nathan smiles, "alright babe I got to go meet Jay, Tom and Siva for an interview at Capital with Max and I am going to get ready. I will make sure to give u a shot out and maybe even have they put you on the phone." Alright babe, be good I do not want to come pick you 4 up, so you all do not get in trouble like last night. Nathan smiles and kisses me and my belly and makes his way out the door. I walk in my room and pull out my phone and call the one person I can talk to right now.

J: Hey Sara.

S: Hello sweetie why do you sound like your crying?

J:I am aunt Sara, Nathan was talking to my belly again and Max told me all my family will be there with me when i have my little girl but i am scared that i will not be able to do it when mum and dad are not there to meet there new granddaughter.

S: Jul do you want to me to come over and help you with the room and we can talk about this?

J: Yes will you please!!

S: Yes, i will be there in 10 min.

I walk downstairs to see Nikki taking care of Max, Hi love birds what are u doing? Nikki looks at me and keeps taking care of Max, "trying to get him to let me take him to the doctor for his throat but he is not wanting to work with me, you want to try Jul?" sure Nikki. Nikki gets up and i sit down and put Max's head on my lap. Max i know ur hurting right now but will you places let Nikki take you to the doctor and see what is wrong or do you want to go through what Nathan when through and have to have surgery and have Nikki be put in my place? Max looks up and me writes in my hand. Nikki he said you can take him. Nikki gets up and gets her stuff. Bye both of you and Max be good or no getting to talk to my belly when you get home. I hear a buzz at the door and see my aunt. "Julianne ur belly has got a little big from the last time I have seen u." Yea, she is so little in there. Sara puts her stuff down and hugs me "your uncle sends his love and told me to tell you that wishes he was not busy with work can could come over and help us out." Tell Uncle Drew next time he can come with and we can all spend the day together. Sara walks over to the dogs and gives them all a treat and smiles, "now looks at get working on that room for my little girl." We both walk up into the baby's room and work on getting the little things in place. Sara stops what she is doing and smiles, "Jul this a letter from your mum, she wrote it before she dead and told me to give this to you when you had a baby and get married." I get up and sit in the chair and read the letter with Sara siting by my side.

Dear Julianne, if your reading this them your aunt Sara keep her promise and gave this too you when you were going to have your baby. I am so proud of my little girl and you're going to be a mum, I will be there with u when you have your babe. You will be a good mum. I'm so proud of you and your husband. Me and your dad will be look over all of you and always be there no matter what and im so happy to have my sister and brother-in-law be there to be taking care of u in the place of me and your father and we both are happy that you have the second best mum and dad taking care of you when me and your father passed. When the baby grows up you will tell them about their grandma and granddad who they never got to meet but will always be watching over them. I love you always, Love mum.

I feel a sharp pain in my belly and hold my hand on my belly and Sara gets up and takes care of me, "where is the pain jul?" On the side, I puts Sara's hand on my belly and hold it there. "Julianne, she is just kicking really hard, let me get you to bed and you take it easy the rest of the night. Do you want me to stay the night with you and see how you're doing when Nathan comes home?" Yes pleases, Sara helps me into my room and I hear Nikki and Max coming in the door and making their way in my room. "Julianne what is going on?" Sara helps me put my feet up and helps me change into something comfy," the baby is kicking her really hard and I'm having her take it easy." Nikki what did the doctor say about Max? "He has tonsillitis and has to rest his voice and go back to the doctor in a few days and see how he is doing, which means he has to take it easy to, so can we just have him stay in your room with us and me and Sara can take care of the both of you?" Yea that will be fine, Max gets in bed next to me and kisses my head. Is almost time to hear the rest of the boys on the radio? I put on capital and Nathan text me telling me that they will be on in 5mins. I wait to hear my SIDS voice.

"So we have 4 out of 5 of the Wanted with us. So boys let's get to some question that we had tweeted to us, first one: Nathan what are you going to name your baby? Well we are not going to tell the name until we let you all know that Julianne had the baby. The rest of the questions for the rest of the boys. We have one more question but we have the person asking the question on the phone right now so call please ask your question. Who do you think will be crying more on this tour and will there be any video of Julianne, Kelsey, Nareesha and Nikki or did you boys not what to have any video of them?, well there is one video of each of the girlfriend that we will show when we sing show me love and call why does your voce sound like someone we know, Julianne? Max's gets on and talks. Hi Julianne how u doing, u look so good from the pictures Nathan show me of you both from the date u both when on last night and when are u due? Thank you Max and I'm due at the end of the month but we are hoping to have the baby before the boys leave to go to the us and I am going to join them due to I have work to do in the states and I'm bring along so help. I can't wait to brake the new to everyone on here that you had your baby. Aw thank you Max and I'm so proud of the boys for all the hard work they all did from when I first meet them all to now and I was sad to be told the news and I can't wait to see what all the boys will be do with all the new work they are doing now. Well Julianne thanks foe calling in and can't wait to hear the news about the baby and can't wait to see pics of the baby. i get off the phone and take a small nap until i feel someone sing to my belly and find Nathan sing his new song that he wrote for are little girl.

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