Dress Shopping/Heart Vacancy

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*Julianne's POV*

I woke up to a nice set of a dozen rose siting on my end table next to my bed and I smiles at the fact that I know I will find a note, "was out getting tea this morning when you were sleeping and I seem the flowers and had to get them for you and I hope u like them. Love NJ" I lay my head back and look to see no Nath in bed next to me but I do find a note. "Gone out with Max and Tom to get something to eat, should be home soon and I hope you did not eat yet, bring you home something to eat." Well now what do I do, as I was thinking of what to do I hear wings starting to play on my phone and from that I knew who was texting me.

Perrie to Jul: hey girly, watched the show last night with Zayn and we loved it. I could not stop laughing at how funny you were calling out the boys and being you.

J to P: thank you and could you tell I was hiding the belly?

P to J: not at all and you should not hide it, you're going to be a mummy and I bet Nathan does not want you to hide the belly.

J to P: your right and yes he has told me to let everyone see the belly, so when can I come over and help you write. I'm dying write for you girls again, I had fun doing it the last time.

P to J: how about sometime this week and if you need help with getting the wedding, i would love to come help and see my friend get married.

J to P: you want to come with Me, Nikki, Kelsey, Jess, Nath's mum, Nareesha and my aunt today to go look at dresses and help pick everything else?

P to J: Yes!!, i loved to and i will get ready and where do you want me to meet you girls at?

J to P: Meet at my place i will text you the address to are house and we can all go over to the shop in my car.

P to J: alright i will see you in an hour and can't wait to see you.

I get out of bed and walk down the steps to see Nathan come in the door with a bag of food. "Well hello Miss Nelson, u sleep well?" Yep babe i did and you know how we were talking about having your friend Nathan be in are wedding party? He looks at me, "yea, but you said that we ran out of room in are wedding party." Well i was talk with Perrie today and i was kind of thinking how about if we have Jess and Nathan and Jay and Perrie with each other and you pick how many best men you want to have besides Max. Nathan smiles and said "I know we both want Nikki and Max, but I don't know about if the rest of the boys are my best men but i was just think to have Max and Nikki, if that is want you want?" Yea babe i want that. He kisses me and hands me my food. "You know i have a gig tonight?" Mhm babe i do, what are you going to do today? He sits next to me and watches me eat, "I was going to go to the studio today and work on some songs with Tom and Max. What about you?" I'm going to go dress at dress with your mum, Jess, Nareesha, Sara, Kelsey, Perrie and Nik then go work on more of our wedding then go to your gig. Nathan kisses my head and rubs my belly. "How is the baby liking the food?" I think the baby is sleeping right now, it was up when i was on the phone. Nathan hears the door bell and opens it up to see Jess, his mum and my aunt at the door. "Hi girls, i hug them all and let them in" Hi Karen, Jess and Sara, we just have to wait for Kelsey, Nareesha and Perrie to get here then we can all go. The doorbell rings again and i open the door to see Perrie, Kelsey and Nareesha. Bye Babe i will text you when we are on are way home. "Aright Julianne have fun and i can't wait to see the dress." You wish Nathan. We all get in my car and drive to the dress place, we pull up and all make are way inside to the dress shop. "Hi welcome to Browns, do u have an appointment?" Yes, Sykes wedding. "Oh yes, we have been waiting to help you with your wedding and we made sure that we have extra help here to make sure that are store is close when you and your party is here and made sure to have all the windows covered so that no one could see in and we have are team that are here today to help you all sign paper from are lower to make sure that none of the informant gets out to anyone. Now let get started, a lady walks out, hello I'm Jordin, i am here to help you with picking out your wedding dress. First off when is the wedding?" It is the summer of 2014. "Alright, let's get started and find you a dress. What kind of style are you looking for?" Mermaid style and with a bling out top. "I think we have what you are looking for, girls you all have a seat and we will come out and show you the dress." All the girls go sit and wait for me to come out in a dress and I sit in the back room wait for the dress. After many dress getting tried on and non I like, Jordan comes back with the dress that made stop and smiles. I try on the dress and walk out to all the girls smiling and looking like they're going to cry. What do you all think, they all yell we love it. Jordan walks up to me and puts on the veil and stands back. "I think we found a dress for you" I go back in to change and smile at myself in this dress.

*the show later that night"

Me, Nikki, Kelsey and Nareesha all walk backstage to see are boys before they go on and hang out with them. Nathan walks up to me and kisses my tummy, "how are my babes doing" we are doing well, this little one was very good when it came to dress shopping, I have a feeling she is going to be a girl and be like her mummy. Nathan sits me down on the couch and talks to my belly "if you are a girl I am going to have to spoil you much as your mummy and make sure you are treated like a princess and I may even let you come on stage with us. But you are lucky to have the best mum and dad and along with fun aunties and uncles who act like kids" everyone watches as Nathan talk to my belly. "Well baby we have to go now but we all have something planed for you." I watch them all walk on stage and me the rest of the girls watch from backstage and Nathan starts to talk

*Nathan's POV*

Are next song we have up is a little slow song that need to have girls up her , the crowed starts to go wild, now who wants to be Max's heart vacancy girl, I picked a girl for Max, Tom, Siva and Jay. Then Max nodes to me and I keep talking, well I want to pick a girl to be mine but I already pick one before the show and this girl does not know, Max's walk over to were are girls were at and the crew filming the show for the once who have the seats to far from the stage to see what was going follow him back stage and he nodes to Nikki to get Julianne and he helps her on stage and seeing Jul walk out hiding her face in Max's arm made me smiles. I walk over and takes her hand and she starts to cry and I tell the fans what is going on. Well as you all know who this girl is and this is the place that we meet at and the stage we meet and the song that I was sing to her with. The music start up and I hold Julianne and sing the song to her. The song ends and all the girls walk off and I hold Julianne still on stage with me. Everyone starts to take pictures of us and I kisses Julianne and get down and kisses her belly, then I hear a loud boom...


I'm going to be posting a new story every week on Monday or else another day. so look out for new story part.tell me what u think is going to happen, you never know if you will be right?

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