Belly Time/Seeing Mummy And Daddy

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*Julianne's POV*

Well the day that I did not want to happen so soon is now happening, I roll over in bed and see Nathan still sleeping. Nathan, I can't sleep. He opens his eyes and holds me close to him. "What is wrong baby" I look down at my ring and start to cry. Nathan puts his hand under my chin and lifts it so I am looking at him. "Jul you know you can tell and I will not be mad." I nod my head, I'm scared something is going to happen when you have to go do gig for 2 weeks and I don't have you here by my side when I need you. Nathan kisses my head and puts his hand on my now easy to tell baby belly. "I know your scared that something to you and this little one here and I will make sure to have someone be staying with you here and I will call you every day or as much as you need. I will also bring my computer with and make sure to Skype you as much as you want and check up on you too. I will be home when were are done with are gig and I also have a little suppress for you when I come home." He kisses me and kisses my belly and moves the covers so he can talk to my belly which he love to do every day or as much as he can get the time to do it. "Hey little one, you being good for mummy? I know I have to leave you and mum to go do show but I will make sure to call and check up on you both and see how my little family is doing. But I need your help with something and I know we still have a ways to go before we find out what you are but I am thinking of writing a song about you and I need to tell me if you're a boy or girl and I can't to find out." Sitting there watching Nathan talk to my belly is something that I wish my mum and dad were here to do and I know that they would both be so happy to see there little girl be a mum. I feel Nathan's hand on my face and he wipes my face. "Julianne what's wrong baby?" Watching you talk to the baby is making me wish my mum and dad were here and misses them even more than before. Nathan pulls me into a hug and rocks me back and forth and does not say anything. Can we go see them on are way to the airport? "Sure baby, you know if you ever want to go see them, you can always ask me and I will take you to see them. But I was thinking if you care, do you want to have my mum and Jess come stay with you when I'm gone?" Yes, will be ok with staying here with me? Nathan look up at me with a funny face. "Of course they will Jul, Jess has been texting me asking when she can come over and stay at the house with us and spend more time with you, she look up to you babe." I look up at Nathan and smiles, she does? Nathan nods his head "yea, she does not have the luck of have a sister in life and she was so happy when I told that you were going to move in with us back at home when I was coming home after having surgery and she was the first person I told after your family and my mum that I was going to ask you to marry me. She really looks up to you and was so happy to find out you were going to be a mum. Jess wants to be like you and loves hang out with you." I look at Nathan and smile, when are mum and Jess coming over? Nathan looks up from his phone and smiles, "I was just texting them and they said they are living the house right now and should be here in 2-3 hours, so more "us" time and we can do anything you want babe." Who is all going with you all on the trip? Nathan gets up and gets is phone charge, "well so far is Nano, Kev, the kids, Paul and I think that is it why?" I did not know if Nikki or Kelsey or Nareesha was going to go with. He shakes his head and kisses my nose, "nope, Nikki has to go back to the USA to go to a wedding that she helped plan, Nareesha has to work the whole time we are gone and Kelsey has to film a movie and you, I'm not going to let you be stuck on a bus with a bunch of guy and beside it would not be far that you're the only girlfriend going on the trip and the others can't." That is true babe, and as we lay in bed we hear a knock at the door and barking, Nathan gets up and opens the door and sees Max with 3 dogs behind him, Hi Maxie. Max hears the name I called him and walks over to where I'm lying and tickles me. Max stop it, do u want to hurt the baby. Max stops and smiles, "no I just come in to see if you both want to go get some food and to talk to the baby if Nathan or you don't care." Go alright head Max, u and Nathan can have your time with the baby. Max sits on the side of the bed and talks to the baby, "hey in there, I'm your uncle Max and I can't wait to meet you, you will be so lucky to have me as an uncle and I will even watch you when your mum and dad need a break from you. But the truth is I'm you're really daddy." Me and Nathan both look at each-other and start to laugh. Umm no Max I don't remember you telling me to give "Keith" some love and telling me to do it when you sing song that you wrote about are sex. Max and Nathan fall to the floor and start to cry. Boys im hungry can we go eat now? They both hug me and kisses me "yes jul, let's got eat". I watch them leave and leave and I get up and changes, walk down the steps and see them both siting there waiting for me. Nathan get up and holds onto my hand, "let's go to that new place that just open up and is only for famous people to go to and Max called and got us in thanks to Nikki being friends with the owner." That should good, we all walk outside to Max's car and we driving to the place. Nathan helps me out of the car and we make are way in. We take are seat and i grab Nathan hand and put it on my belly, the baby knows when there is food by and is kicking for me to eat. Max gets up and he puts his hand on my belly, "is someone hungry right now?" Yea, this baby knows when is time to eat. Max smiles and sits back down, "Julianne what are u going to do when we are gone and u have the house to yourself with just you and the dogs?" Well Karen and Jess are coming to stay with me and we are going to be working on the wedding and other things and I am going to be working on getting a party for Fill a Heart for the last week the camp will be open for in the summer and working on getting the office set up at the new place we will be opening in London. We all look at the menu and wait for are waiter to come back, she comes back and we all order pancakes and I order some tea. What am I going to do with u both, I'm going to misses you both and who am I going to have talk to the baby all day? They both laugh and I pull out my flip and point it to Max and Max starts to talk, "as you can see is just me, baby Nath, Jul and her growing belly all out to get some food and getting ready to meet up with the rest of the boys at our house, well Julianne and Nathan's house to be correct to all get ready to all meet up and all leave to go to Italy for some gigs" Max's takes my flip and point it to me, hi everyone as Max said my growing belly is getting big and in a few weeks when the boys are back home, we are having a scan to see are little Sykes and see how this one is doing. But I'm not going to go with the boys for the show I am staying here and I am going to be hoping to see you fan out when I'm in town doing so work so come see me. Max hands me the flip back and i point it to Nath, "hey all of you, i can't wait to see you all at are shows and can't wait to play you some of the new songs that we are working on. i will misses having my girl with me but she is busy with her work she has to do when we are gone and who else is there to watch all are pet and the rest of the lads pets?" the food come out and we all dig in and eat. Boys i think is time we all get going home and get ready to send you both off, what do you think? They both node their heads and we head back to the house. Nathan can we still go see my mum and dad? He holds my hand and hands me a blindfold, "put this on i have something for you" I put the blindfold on and fall asleep waiting to get to where we are going. "Julianne wake up we are here" Max and Nathan help me get out of the car and help me to where we are going, "babe take off the blindfold now" I take off the blindfold and start to cry when I see where I am at. Nathan lets go of my hand and let me walk to the stone for my mom and dad, "Natalie Marie 3/12/1971-5/20/2003, Scott Thomas 2/28/1971-5/20/2003" i sit down in front of there stone and talk to them both. Hi mummy and daddy i misses you both so very much every day and i wish you both could be here to meet your grandson or granddaughter, but i know you both are with the baby right now and look over the both of us and keep us both safe. I turn around to see Nathan and Max come up by me. Mum, dad i want you both to meet my big brother Max and my now fiancé Nathan and the father of your grandson or granddaughter. I misses you both and wish you both could be here for the wedding and to see me pregnant. But i have Uncle Drew and Aunt Sara here taking care of me in your place and being there for me in your place, I get up and walk over to Nathan and hold onto his hand and smile at him, I am happy you both watched over Nathan when he had surgery and made sure everything that happen in his surgery when well. Nathan kisses my hand, "Hi Natalie and Scott, i am so happy to be getting married to your daughter and be the father of your grandchild. I want to thank you both again for giving me my gift of singing back to me and for making me make it through surgery and be there with me and from that make me be able give back to other who are going through the same thing i did, for giving me my best friend who i am so happy to be with every day." I am so lucky to have so many people around me for being who i am thanks to you both for being two of the people who gave me the gift of helping other and making me who i am. I know you both will be there at the wedding watching me get married to Nathan and be there when I have the baby. I feel you both with me all the time and will tell the baby about there grandmamma and grandpa who gave me the gift of having the baby. I get up and put flowers on their grave. Bye Mummy and Daddy i will come see you both again next week. We all walk back to the car and make are way back to the house to see Nathan's Mum and Jess waiting for us.

I'm going to be posting a new story every week on Monday or else another day. so look out for new story part.tell me what u think is going to happen, you never know if you will be right?

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