Your Killing Me Paul/ Oh That After Show

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Nathan POV*

Walking into Paul's office with Max and the girls is one of the most scares thing I have been a part of. Max turns to look at all of us before Paul comes in.

"Whatever happen I'm sorry to all of you for bring u into to this whole mess over this mess that she claimed I did but I never did. I feel really bad that this whole thing is being played out everywhere and i do not want to have the fan know this lie." Paul walks in and he sits down at the table and looks at all of us "I talked to Scooter and he called are PR team and they got a hold of Michelle's PR team and told them that we know the truth and the truth needs to be told and that are lawyer is going to be brought into this unless she tells the truth. I think it is best that one of you puts out to the fans that the whole thing is a lie and that we can put this whole thing to rest."

Siting there hearing everything Paul is telling us is making me think more about why Max is more happy to be with Nikki and how i want to take Julianne somewhere after we film the next part of the after show,but i can't due to we have gigs and other things that we all need to do to get the album ready. But yet i want to let Julianne have a day where everyone can take care of her and make her have all eyes on her. i look over at Julianne who is starting to fall asleep as Paul talks. i turn to look at Paul and see he has spot Julianne falling asleep. "Julianne am i boring you right now or are you just trying to get me to shut up?" she looks up at him "the baby is sucking all the energy out of me and yes you are boring me right now." we all start to laugh and Paul shakes his head and hands her some tea. "Nathan you can take Jul in her other office, i had a couch put in so she can use it when she is here working." i pick here up. come on babe, she gets up and holds onto me. Come on babe, I bring her into her office and lays her down on the couch. Now rest babe. She holds onto my arm," if I fall asleep wake me up when we get home." Alright Julianne. I kisses her head and walk into the other room and listen to what Paul had to say. Nikki looks over at me and see's that i keep looking at my phone and fighting back from crying. she looks over at Max and get's up and pulls me out in the hallway. "Nathan what's wrong little bro?" i look at him trying hard not to cry. I am just think about are gig we have and i want to do something for Julianne after all the stress that has been put on her and how we had a close call with her and the baby last night. Max looks at me, "what happen Nathan?" she started to have a panic attack last night and i sat up with her most of the night and talked her about are wedding and everything to get her to relax and fall asleep. But i want to do something for her at are gig on Tuesday and i need everyone's help on it. Max looks at me, "What do you need me to do?" You know the song that she could not sing when she was filling in for me?. Max looks up and smiles. "You mean the song that you sang to her when you both meet at are gig four years ago?" Yep Max that song and i book her something and for her to have a girls week with the rest of the girls when we are gone to do some press and i have a few people come in and help her with the show and give her a easy time when it comes to are show. we both think of a way to get Julianne to the gig later on Tuesday. Max looks at me and smiles, How about we have Nikki,Kelsey and Nareesha all take her out for a nice girls day and help her with the wedding. Then they take her to the show and somehow we will get her to come on stage with the rest of the girls and after that i will sing "Just The Way You Are" to her. Max's looks at me and smiles "She will love this, now we just need to tell everyone else about this and tell them to keep quite and not tell her." yep but first i need to book everything and get everything ready.

* A Hour After the Show*

Julianne you did so good and i bet the fan's had fun with all the help you got from the help i got to come in to help you with the show and make it less stressful. She looks at me and smile's "Yep Nathan and thank you for having the help come in, i means alot to me that you did that for me and I will misses u when u go to do press with the lads." I know babe but I will make sure to text u everyday,face time and Skype u every night before u go to bed.


I'm going to be posting a new story every week on Monday or else another day. so look out for new story part.tell me what u think is going to happen, you never know if you will be right?

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