The Ex and New Love/Your Hurting My Family

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*Nathan's POV*

Me and Nikki walk into the movie room and found Julianne in shock looking at the TV. Babe what is... before I can get the rest out she cuts me off and points to the TV.

*Capital TV*

"We are here with Michelle Keegan and her boyfriend Mark Wright. There both here to talk about her ex-boyfriend Max George and how he has move on with someone else before he and Michelle were even done with each other or how he called off their wedding and a few months latter being seen with Nikki Hudson, Julianne Nelsons best friend who is also getting married to Nathan Sykes who happens to be in the same band as Max. Michelle looks at the camera "I'm happy for Max that he found someone,but I'm much happier to be with Mark and with someone who I can see every day. I know for a fact that it was Julianne who pushed her friend on Max and I know Max was happy to be with Nikki when he know that it would help out both their job in Hollywood if they both were dating someone from a boy band"

Did that girl just have the balls to go after my girl and her best friend at the same time? I am going to call Nano and have him get on this and make sure to keep u and Nikki safe and not letting u both out the house. Julianne looks at me and smiles "babe does that mean we have to stay here until this whole thing blow over?" I don't known babe but I will have a meeting with Scooter and Paul and we will all try to think of something but until then I think u both should stay here and not go out without any other guard with u both or have someone go out for u both. I think we need to get this whole thing taken care of. I walk out of the room and call Paul

Nath: Hey Paul, we have a problem and did u happen to have capital TV on?

Paul: no what happen?

N: we'll Shellie talked about Nikki and Julianne and how there both using us and how Max broke up with her just to be seen with Nikki and how Jul pushed him to be with her best friend.

P: ok I will get Scooter up to date on this whole thing and does Max know anything about this?

N: no, Julianne called me and Nikki into the other room to see this and Siva, Tom and Jay are also here too

P: ok, I will call scooter and call u back. We will meet with u 4 later to try to think of something or try to get why she is pulling u 3 in this but I know the true and I know that u and Julianne were not a part of this.

Jul, Paul wants to see you, me, Nik and Max in his office with scooter at 4. "Babe me and Nikki did not do anything, why do we both have to pull in this whole thing?" I don't know babe but u need to calm down and not get worked up over this and that is not good for the baby. Nikki take Julianne up to the office and go through fan mail and help her clam down. This Bitch does not have to right to go after my girl and her best friend on top of this. I walk in the other room and call for Max to come with me. Max i need you to see this. I show him the clip of what happen and he sits there in shock. "Nathan i am sorry you and Julianne have to be in this and i think is call for a song on this, what do u say. we call this the song written by Max and Nathan."

We sit down and start to write a song everything that we are both feeling right now and make sure this person know the song was wrote for them from the two people who called her a friend to us.

"You should've known I love you, But I'll never say it too much, Maybe you did turn to get me, Maybe I'll never know what I done."

* Who do you think there both writing the song about?

I'm going to be posting a new story every week on Monday or else another day. so look out for new story part.tell me what u think is going to happen, you never know if you will be right?

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