Teen Now/Tell The Family

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We sit down and turn on the Notebook then I stop the movie before it even starts. Nathan there is something that I want you to know and I hope you will stay with me after I tell you this. "Tell me babe I will be here for you no matter what" well I.....................

*Julianne's POV*

Im pregnant Babe. Nathan looks me and smiles big "Omg baby I'm going to be a dad" we hug and he kisses my tummy and smiles "how long have u known?" We'll I'm about almost a month,but I was not feeling good the day of summer time ball. But when I had to have surgery I found out for sure,but I told them to keep quiet about it. Nathan look at me with a big smile and kisses my hand " I will not leave you and I need to call everyone and let them know" don't call I am going to call them all and have your mum ,Jess, Phil, my aunt and uncle and the lads and Kelsey, Nikki, Nareesha, Jenna and big Kev all come over for dinner and I picked out some cool gifts to give everyone for all there help and they will be ones that say my uncle is in the wanted or something around that line. "Babe they will be cool and I bet they will all be happy to hear the news." I call the girls and my aunt and uncle and Nathan calls big Kev, Max, Tom, Jay, Siva and his family to all come over tomorrow for dinner. I call my aunt, uncle and the girls to have them all come over for dinner. Babe how are we going to tell the fan's, I mean they will know by when they watch the wanted life after show they will see I'm starting to grow a baby belly. "Julianne it is up to you when you're ready to tell the fans you can tell them." Nathan when do we have are Teen Now interview? "Tomorrow, we will have to keep it quite until we are ready to tell the world" ok babe. We finish up the movie and make are way up to are room and falls asleep. I wake up to the feeling that I was not feeling not to good, so I made my way to the bathroom and sat there trying to relaxes and not get worked up. "Babe you ok?" Nathan walks in and rubs my back. "Just breath and think about tonight when we tell everyone" the feeling goes away, thank Nathan now let's go to the teen now headquarters. We change into some comfy cloths and get in the car and make are way to teen now. "When do we find out how many we are having?" We'll I have an apt tomorrow and I want you to come with so we can both find out together. "You know I will be there" we get to the headquarters and Nathan parks the car and we make are way inside and Nathan points to my phone and I look down to see a text from him Nath to Jul: I am working on a song that I am writing for the baby but I am waiting to find out how many so I can have one for each baby. I smiles at him and he helps me into are dressing room. I sit there trying on what to wear and Nathan lifts up my shirt and kisses my tiny baby belly and talks to my belly. "Hey in there, I'm your dad and I want to say I can't wait to see you tomorrow and I hope you're like me or your mom and will be loving to others like we both are." Nathan not to loud. We get dressed and make are way to do the interview.


"We are hear with Julianne Nelson and Nathan Sykes and Nathan how did you feel that you were told that you had to have surgery to save your voice." "I know there was that the surgery could go good and could go bad, but I talked to Julianne about it and she told me that look at her she had the same thing happen to her and she made it though." "Julianne you had the same thing happen to you?" Yea when I was 15 I had to have the same surgery and when I found out Nathan was starting to have trouble with his voice I keep hoping it would not do the same thing mine did. "Nathan how was Julianne when she found out?" "She would stay up with me or stay in are room with me and I just cry and she would tell me about when it happen to her and it made me think that she made it though and I know that I can do the same." "How was it the day you had your surgery Nathan for the both of you?" "Well I had a break down before the doctor came in to talk to me and my mum and I keep asking for Julianne and wanted to not go through with it. My mum calmed me down and I just keep texting Julianne and she keep telling me that she will see me before I when into surgery and she made me forget about all of what was going to happen." It hit me after they took Nathan in and one of the nurse walked me out to the waiting room. I was lucky to be the one who was there for him and he would ask me days before what was going to happen and I would try to tell him everything that was going to but I did not want to scare him. "What was the first thing you remember about when you woke up?" "I remember hearing Julianne's voice and I started to wake up and I was still in the OR and Julianne was in scrubs holding my faces and talking to me." "Julianne what were you saying to Nathan?" I keep saying Nathan wake up baby and I was rubbing his face and he started to wake up and he was smiling and he tried to talk but I started to sign and he stop and just lifted his hand and held it on mine and fell back asleep and I left to them take him back to his room and let his mom and sis see him. "Julianne why were you signing to Nathan?" Well when I had my surgery the only way I could talk to anyone was to use sign language and when Nathan started to wake up until he had his app that would talk for him, I sign to him and he would sign back to me. "So Nathan how did it feel to have your come back at Summer Time Ball and to ask Julianne to marry you there?" "Well it was unreal to be to be back on stage after I watch Julianne sing in my place for a few weeks when she was busy with other stuff and when I asked Julianne to marry me at summer time ball was the best thing to see my best friend now be my soon to be wife. She has been the one person when we got back home, would stay up with me and would lose sleep or turn down projects just to make sure I was doing better and would not let fans tell her that she was keeping me away from everyone when she was doing it for my own good." "How do you both keep the love going when you're on tours or away for someday?" "Well me and Julianne text each other or we would Skype when I have gig away from her. I also leave notes around are place and send her two dozen of her favored flowers." "Nathan what is the rumors that Julianne is cheating on you with Max?" "We'll is all not true but I understand why that rumor has come out. Julianne did spend a lot of time with Max but Max lives with us and he stepped up when Julianne was doing shows he would take care of her for me and Max is like a big brother to the both of us and he always looks out for the both of us." "When do you go back on tour Nathan?" "Well we go back on a tour to promote Walks Like Rihanna and are show." "Julianne will you be going with?" Yea only a few days but I also have to plan are wedding and have to work some projects that I am getting down." "What kind of projects?" We'll I will let the news out on them in a few days or soon.

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