The Question/The Big Shocker

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We sit down and start to write a song everything that we are both feeling right now and make sure this person know the song was wrote for them from the two people who called her a friend to us.

"You should've known I love you, But I'll never say it too much, Maybe you did turn to get me, Maybe I'll never know what I done."

*Max POV*

This whole thing is making me sick just thinking about how the person who I almost married is now saying shit about my Nikki and ontop of it my borther and soon to be sister in law and there baby who does not even know the person who is saying all of this. Nathan is Julianne ok? Nathan turns his head and looks at me "no Max she was panicking and I had to have Nikki take her up to the office to clam her down." Nathan can I go talk to her? " yea you can she is up in her office." I walk up to the office and find Julianne siting on floor with the dogs crying. Hey Jul come here, I pick her up and sit her on the couch. I'm sorry this whole thing is happening and I do not want you and Nathan apart of this and I think you should just rest right now and I will do anything for you and Nathan to make up for this whole thing. She looks at me and smiles "can u get Nathan we both need to ask you something." I text Nath to come up in the living room and he runs up in the room " what is going on is Julianne ok?" Yea she just said you both have to ask me something. They both look at each other and smiles "well Max I want to know if you will be my best man for me and jul wedding?" Yes I will Nathan and thank you for asking me and who will I be with? "Well I am going to ask Nikki to be my maid of honer, so you will be with your girlfriend." I sit there hold my sis and she falls asleep. I hand her over to Nathan and help him bring her back down in the basement. Well Tom,Jay and Siva I need to tell you something that has just happen. "What happen Max were is Nathan?" Well Nathan is with Julianne trying to clam her down and get to relax. "What is going on with Julianne?" Well I need you all to come with me and see something, they follow me to the other room were Nathan is rocking Julianne and singing I found you to her. Nath can you take Julianne in the other room. "Yea, come on, he picks her up and throw her over his shoulder." Julianne yells at him "put me down, your hurting are son or daughter" any way I want to show you all this. I turn on capital tv back to what Julianne recored. Siva,Jay and Tom look at the tv in shock and did not say anything. Siva looks up at me "Max why is she doing this when we all know the truth that it was her who called off the wedding and you both did brake up and Nikki was never hitting on you and found out that you both call off the wedding from Nathan telling her." I wish I know why this whole thing is going on but that is why Julianne is all worked up. She think she did all of this and how they clam Nikki and Julianne are only with us for the fame. Well me,Nikki,Nathan and Julianne all have to go meet with Paul to talk about this and I will call you guys when we have something.we all get in Nikki's car and make are way down to Paul's office. Nathan,Julianne and Nikki I'm sorry all of you had to be pulled in this whole thing.

I'm going to be posting a new story every week on Monday or else another day. so look out for new story part.tell me what u think is going to happen, you never know if you will be right?

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