Kai x Reader

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'I can't believe they didn't notice'

Earlier there had been a serpentine sighting in ninjago city. You had tried to tell the ninja, but they were arguing. So, you being the master of f/e (favorite element), you had to go alone. Many people had almost been hurt or killed, and you had a thin layer of blood covering your entire body. You rode your dragon home to see that they were still arguing. You walked past them and they didn't even notice you, more or less acknowledge that you for were reder than kai's gi. 

That thought made you blush. You always had a slight, ok HUGE crush on the hothead. His hair, his body, his personality; it was to die for. Literally. You would die for him. You were inches from your room when everything went black.

(Kai's P.O.V)

Ugh! This is stupid! Me and the guys have been arguing for the past three hours about who is the best ninja! I mean, it is obviously me, but is it really worth arguing about for this long? I suddenly heard a thump from the hallway, and I walk over confused. That's when I see a horrifying sight. Y/n is passed out on the floor, covered in blood. I screamed in terror.

"Sensei! Zane! Everyone! Come here now!"

They all ran over, everyone but sensei slightly annoyed, and had the same reaction I had. Zane and sensei picked her up and carried her to her room. No no no, this can't be happening. She can't die. I love her to much for this to happen.

Sensei and Zane come back into the room fifteen minutes later, with a sad look on their faces.  (can we pretend Zane has emotions please?) They told us she is badly hurt, and that she is in a coma. Worst of all, she probably won't  wake up. After hearing that last part, I just broke down crying. Everyone looked at me slightly confused, but they quickly pieced it together. This can't happen. I love her too much.

(1 month later)

Y/n still hasn't woken up yet. Everyone else thinks that since she hasn't woken up already, she never will. But I don't believe them.  She has to wake up, she has to. I feel awful. This never would've happened if I was there when it happened. I rarely ever left her side after she fell asleep. I'm a horrible person. Maybe the world would be a better place of just —wait, is she waking up?

(Your P.O.V)

You wake up in your bed, a bit dizzy. 'Man, how long was I out for?' You look to you side and see Kai, looking like he just became the green ninja.

"Um, what time is it?" You ask him, a bit shakey.

"Y/n,  you were asleep for a month." He answered, sounding like he was gonna explode. 

"Huh? Ho-"

He were cut off as kai caught you in a bear hug. He suddenly kissed you passionately, still smiling.

"Y/n, I love you with all my heart. Please don't leave me ever again." He chokes out.

"Don't worry hothead. I never will. And I love you too." You answer, soothingly.

He smiled, and grabbed your hand, bringing you to the rest of the team.

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