Cole x reader part 3

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(Three weeks later, your POV)

'Where are they?'

The ninja still hadn't saved you yet, and the evil ninja haven't came in today. You were pacing around the room when all the evil ninja came in. They all had a grimacing look on their face. You started to back up, but evil kai grabbed your arm. "So, the ninja are on the way, and as much as we would hate to loose our toy, we have to end you. Don't worry, we'll make sure it hurts." You pull your arm from him and back away from them. Evil Cole starts to get angry and punches you. You fall to the ground. He pulls out a knife. 

"Goodbye, (y/n)."

Just then the door is blasted open. You don't see the rest though, since evil Cole stabs you in the arm and you pass out from pain.

You wake up in a different place than before. The room is painted black. You groan and a figure bursts through the door. You pull the covers over your head and the figure rmobes them, gently.

"Its OK, I won't hurt you."

You recognise the voice and look up. Cole is standing there, smiling gently. He explains that after you passed out, the evil ninja also did. But they didn't get off as easily. He had taken you to his room until you woke up. Sensei had already fixed your arm. But one thing still didn't add up.

"Cole, why did you guys save me? I'm not important, and if one of you died, it would be my fault..."

Cole gently pushes you down onto the bed, him on top of you. He presses his soft lips against yours. You two stay like that until he pulls away.

"(Y/n), I love you. How could I not save you."

You are shocked by this, but you kiss him. He immediately kisses back. You two are barely like this for ten seconds when you hear laughing. You pull away to see all the ninja in the door. What a way to ruin a romantic moment, idiots. 

"Go get em, Cole!" Jay yelled, literally on the floor, laughing. Let's just say they had a nice swim after this, courtesy of you and Cole.

Sorry this took so long! I kept getting distracted! And shoutout to SilverNinjaGirl1997! She has been supporting me so much! Thank you! And until next time, see ya!

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