Kai x reader

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I'm so sorry! I've been really busy! Anyway, here you go!

You were mute.

A while ago, before you met up with your brother Lloyd, a man had beaten you, damaging your voicebox. This was also the day you learned you were the master of teleportation. Yeah, that guy had been given a good three or four broken bones. Worse, your friends had watched from a distance, laughing at you. That pretty much broke your soul. Now you never talked, didn't trust anyone, and wore a mask so people couldn't see your face. In fact, the only people who had seen your face for about a year were your teachers, sensei wu, and your brother. 

You were training with the ninja. Lloyd was sparring with Zane, Cole was practicing with a training dummy, Jay was sparring and flirting with Nya, and you and kai were sparring. You loved kai, but if you took off your mask, you were sure he'd laugh at you ugly face. When you were about to attack, kai looked over at jay and nya. Being the overprotective brother, kai started to get pissed. His hand set on fire, and you attacked unknowingly. With being attacked, kai was shocked and, well.......... Struck your throat with his hand which was on fire. You passed out, without making a sound.

When you woke up, your neck actually felt fine. There was a bandage around it, but it didn't hurt. 

"What the hell happened?" You said out loud. Then it hit you.

Kai's attack had fixed your voice box.  You could now talk.

You got off the bed and made a beeline to sensei's room. Lloyd had been in the hallway, so you dragged him along too. You barged into the room and closed the door. Sensei was mediating and clearly looked annoyed.

"Student, what is it that you-"


Lloyd's eyes widened while sensei just looked surprised. You were freaking out though.

"Y/n, it seems that Kai's attack has corrected it. This is amazing news. We should go tell the others."

"No, I don't want them to know about this. Please don't tell them."

"No problem, sis." Lloyd finally spoke.

(2 months later)

You and Lloyd finally decided it was about time to tell them. It was Christmas eve, and as a present you would tell and show your face to them. All the guys were either being idiots, or asking why jay and nya keep kissing under that weird plant. It was eventually time for bed when lloyd walked to you.

"Remember to smile, sis."

(The next day)

Lloyd and jay were waking everyone up with trumpets. Don't ask. But Lloyd peacefully woke you up, knowing what you were about to go through. You were about to grab for your mask when you thought, 'Screw it.' And left it off. You walked into the living room with everyone staring at you. And Kai's face was bright red. 

"What?" You asked them. They were paralyzed. 

"Long story short, when kai attacked me, it fixed me and Lloyd thought this would be a good time for you guys to find out."

(What do I write)

(Time skip by sensei's new staff)

Everyone was around the house, doing anything and everything, when kai came up to you.

"Hey, Y/n, I just wanted to say, you didn't need to hide your face. You look beautiful."

You had a clear blush on your face. Kai tilted you chin up. OK, now were really blushing. He pressed his lips to yours. 

This magical moment was ruined by Cole, Jay, and Lloyd snapping photos of you guys on their phones.

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