Yandere Lloyd x reader

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HI! Sorry I haven't updated for a long while, I have been busy with school. So, here is another story!

Future Me: warning. This sucks badly.
Lloyd's POV


I am going to kill him I am going to kill him. I am going to kill him. I mean, who just walks up to someone, says hi, then dumps a bucket of paint on them?! I swear, if Jay wasn't (Y/N)'s twin brother, I would've killed him months ago. I am about to catch up with him. We're  running to the living room. Almost- Oh come on!

Jay is now hiding behind Uncle Wu, Dad, Mom, and (y/n). Juuuust perfect. Wimp.
" Lloyd, what is going on?" Dad said, as he stared at jay, who looked like the overlord and Pythor had a baby, used dark matter turn it into a mask, failed miserably, burned it, then stuck it on Jay's face.
"Uncle Wu, jay poured paint on me!" I whined, gesturing to my body, coated with blue paint. (Y/n) let out the most adorable laugh in the world, as she looked like she could explode into sunshine, rainbows, and ponies any second. It's ironic, really, since she is the element of shadows. Anyway, as you would expect, Uncle Wu had Jay clean the entire bounty. And, as usual, the rest of the ninja teased me about my crush on (y/n). I zoned them out until Cole said something hat struck my interest.
"Hey lloyd, if you don't ask her out soon, someone else might take her." I glared at them, bearing an energy ball. They just laughed and high fived. Did I mention that Cole and Kai are now complete $&¥@!#^% yet? I literally took off sprinting to (y/n), who had been talking to Jay while he cleaned. I dragged her with me to my room and locked the door. I pinned her to the bed and kissed her. Surprisingly, she kissed back. But I got an urge to do more. To touch her. To own her. To make it so no one can take her from me. I broke the kiss and used my powers to chain her to the bed. I left the room and snuck into Uncle Wu's secret stash of tea. I took a vial that was labeled: sleepers tea. I quickly made the tea and brought it back to her. She looked so cute when she was struggling in the handcuffs. I had her open her mouth and drink all the tea. Before she fell asleep, I told her the words that she would remember forever.

"You're mine."

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