Cole x reader part 1

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You were staying at the ninja's house, having a sleepover with Nya, as well as Skylor, P.I.X.A.L., and Joy. (I didn't know what to do for that one) They were all dating a ninja, and you could figure out who was with who. But you and Cole were single. And the two of didn't know this, but you had feelings for each other. You were always cheery, and noone had seen your bad side in years. And when it got out, it was a nightmare.

You guys were just playing FNAF 4 when you heard yelling. The other girls went to go see what was happening. They guessed it was just the ninja arguing about who's the best, so it probably wouldn't be hard to stop it. You were determined to finish night three, so you decided to keep playing. And after getting to 4 A.M. and dying three times in a row, they still weren't back. This worried you. You got up and went to where they were. And what you saw horrified you.

The ninja and the girls were tied up, screaming, while the evil ninja were beating Cole. You didn't know how to react to this. But you did feel anger swell up inside of you, as well as adrenaline trun through your veins. After 30 seconds of being frozen, you let your bad side out, not caring about how they would react.


That left the others surprised while the evil ninja just smirked. Evil Cole slowly walked up to you.

"Well, we came to get something, but these guys were getting in your way." He replied gesturing to the ninja.

"What do you want?" You shot back. The chuckled at that question. He then tilted your chin up.

"You. And how about we make a deal. You come peacefully, we don't continue hurting your friends. Ok?"

You sighed and put you arms out in front of you. They'd take you either way. Might as well save the others and yourself some pain. The evil ninja walked forward as evil Cole tied your hands around your back. They freed the ninja and quickly left with you. As you walked away, you heard the ninja yelling your name and Cole crying. 

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