Zane x Cyborg Reader

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You were never really too much of a girly girl.
You always were itching for a fight, were strong and intelligent, and was never afraid to stand up to yourself.

Notice the past tense. That was all before you met Zane and (e/n).

Zane was the bleach blonde haired nindroid that was always willing to help you. His smile made your heart melt, and his soothing, nice words made your heart melt. You met when your friend Nya introduced you to her brother and his team. Needless to say, you fell head over heels for him at first glance.

(E/n) was your old best friend. She purposely made every boy you liked fall for her so she could laugh at you. She always blamed things on you. She spread rumors about you. Once, she even gave you a bloody nose and said you had threatened her. (No one believed her, but it still hurt.) Yet, you stayed friends with her for a while. You were aware of the bad things she was doing, but thought you did something to her to make yourself deserve it. Did I mention you were humble af?

This all stopped though when she realized you were a cyborg and told the entire school. They called you a freak and shunned you.

Aaaaaanyway, back to reality. You and (e/n) were fighting over Zane. Since it seemed like she was winning, you changed everything about yourself. You wore makeup, tight clothing, and acted like a normal teenager. Which sucked.

(Zane POV)

I am getting very uncomfortable with (e/n)'s attitude. She is getting too close to me. On top of that, she's pushing her... stuff into me. I scooted back a bit when I see (Y/n) coming into the room. She looks like a entirely different person. She looked like (e/n). She showed much more skin and was wearing a surplus amount of makeup. I didn't really like it. I always thought she looked prettier when she wore her normal boyish clothes and embraced her natural beauty. Honestly, according to the others, I was attracted to (Y/n). She wasn't afraid to be herself. She was confident and always had a smile on her face. She was like a less talkative and irritable version of Jay. But this, this wasn't her.

"Excuse me (e/n), but I would like to speak to (Y/n) in private. Could you please leave?" I politely asked. (E/n) grumbled and stormed out of the room, but not before dropping something and bending over to grab it.

"(Y/n), is there something wrong? I noticed you are acting differently today." I asked her cocking my head to the side. She took a step back.

"W-well, there's a ninja I like, but they haven't really seemed to take any interest in me. I thought this would help." She said, playing with her fingers. I started to feel strange. I think my brothers would call this jealously. She obviously didn't feel this way towards me, or she wouldn't have told me.

"Well, we're singing karaoke tomorrow. I was going to tell you later, but you and (e/n) are invited. You can dedicate your song to them." I told her. (Y/n)'s eyes lit up. She thanked me and hugged me. I could feel my processors speeding up. I went to go tell (e/n), but before I did, I turned to her.

"You know (Y/n), if this person likes you better this way, I wouldn't date them. You shouldn't have to change perfection for someone else." Her cheeks flushed red as she nodded in a thanking way. I then left the room.

(Time skip to karaoke)

(Time skip to karaoke)

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Yours and (e/n)'s outfits

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Yours and (e/n)'s outfits

Your POV

It was now (e/n)'s turn to sing her song. She strut up the stage and began singing.

After the first few words, tears started leaking from your eyes. Not because she was so good. Not because the song was good.

It was because you wrote the song. She had stolen it, claimed credit at school, and was singing it to mock you.

Zane noticed your sadness and questioned her after she was finished.

"(E/n), I find it sweet that you sung that song. Although, didn't (y/n) write that song? I remember her telling me about it months before you claimed to have just wrote it." She awkwardly laughed and went to the back of the ninja. Now it was your turn to sing.

"I'd like to dedicate this song to a cute, intelligent little chef."

You sung your heart or. The other ninja looked at you in awe. (E/n) was furious, partly because    she got embarrassed, partly because you were completely upstaging her. Zane had a mix of shock and awe on his face.

You finished the song and the others started to cheer. Zane stepped up into the stage and put a hand on your cheek, and the other around your waist.

"You sung that song... for me?"

You nodded slightly, cheeks red. Zane leaned in and kissed you sweetly. The ninja started cheering again, with one saying "about time!". (E/n) stormed out of the house. You never took notice of this, though. You were just happy to have the love of your life in your arms.

I literally stayed up so no one could say I wasn't true to my word.

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