Jay x reader

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You were over at the ninja's house, partying. All there allies were there, including the people from the serpentine, garmadon, misako, and all their friends from the tournament of the elements. They had invited you because you were their friend, as well as the master of speed. Yes, Turner was your older brother. And he was really overprotective. Once, he slapped a boy for saying hi. The kid already had a girlfriend! But you went mostly because a ceartin moter mouth was going to be there. You had always liked him, but he was dating nya, so you didn't tell anyone. But you never hated nya. She was one of your only friends.

You were just hanging around with Nya when Zane found you two.

"Hello Nya and Y/n. Would you two like to join us in playing 'seven minutes in heaven'? I still do not understand the concept, but I was requested to ask you." He said cluelessly. You sighed at his confusion.

"Sure. Why not." You replied emotionlessly.

You two followed the nindroid into a room where all the ninja were sitting in a circle. Jay looked excited and nervous once he saw you, and that completely confused you. But you shrugged it off and sat down with nya.

"Y/n! Choose a thing! Anything!" The green ninja said, imitating a magician, as he shoved a bowl at you body. You stuck your hand inside and randomly chose. When you pulled out your hand you saw a electric blue mask. It was obvious who put this in. 

"Really Jay? That's all you got?"

He shrugged and grabbed your hand as he pulled you into a closet. The door locked behind you. It was pretty dark in there, but weirdly, you saw Jay's face was as red as Kai's gi. Again, you were confused. 'Why is he blushing? Does he like me? No, no, he likes Nya. Right?'

"Um, Y/n? I'm just going to say that after I broke up with Nya for cheating on me with Cole, I didn't feel so sad because I had you on my mind. I really like you Y/n, and I always have." 

This left you shocked. A million questions ran through your head. 'When did they break up? Why didn't she tell you? Out of all the girls there are, why does he like you?' He took your silence as a rejection and backed up. But you quickly pulled him in for a kiss. His eyes widened, but they slowly fluttered shut. He put his hands on your waist as you wrapped your arms around his neck and ran a hand through his soft hair. Just then you two hear the door open and pull away. Your brother was at the door. And he looked mad. You were about to tell Jay to run, but you quickly realised how stupid that idea was. You expected a fight, but all he did was walk up to him, knee him 'where noone should venture to', and walked away, leaving Jay on the ground and the rest of you confused on what just happened.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                    Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I got grounded...then I had school...then I became lazy. But I will post another one today! Until then bye ninjago fans!

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