Zane x reader

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(Your a nindroid in this)

You were at the ninja's house, getting fixed up. Whenever you were around Zane, your processors sped up, your temperature rises, and you became glitchy. You were sure something was wrong with you.

"Well, I figured out what's wrong. Your feeling love towards Zane." The blue ninja stated, smirking.

"What is love?" You asked, cluelessly.

You regretted asking that, because half an hour later he stopped talking. And you really wish you didn't know some of this stuff. He said you should go tell him about your 'crush. You were still confused about the concept, but you just went to do it anyway. You eventually found him outside, with his falcon.

"Hey...Zane?" You said, a bit nervous.

"Yes, what is it, Y/n?" He answered, turning around.

"Um...Jay thinks I have something called a 'crush' on you." You stated, uneasily.

"Actually, my brothers said something about me having one on you too. They also taught me what to do in a situation like this. Care for me to demonstrate?" 

You felt yourself do something called blush. Zane walked up to you and pressed his lips against yours. It felt amazing. You found yourself instinctlively wrapping your arms around his neck as he put his around your waist. After why seemed like forever, you broke apart. You looked up to see the falcon strangely staring at you while flying. 

"Zane, should I see what your brothers are up to?"

"I don't see why not."

You connect to the camera you had hidden.

In the monestary

" I told you I could hack into the falcon!"

"Didn't expect that to happen!"

"This is the best video ever!

"I'm putting this on Instagram!"

The ninja were gathered around jay's laptop, watching you two. You always knew they were pervs. But little did they know how much they were going to regret spying on you and Zane. 


Sorry this is short! I'm really tired right now because I had been studying for a bunch of tests I have this week! 

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