Zane x reader part 1

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You and your friend Luna were running around, trying to escape her three older brothers, Lachlan, Sky, and Mitch. (Screw it I'm adding in youtubers.) When you had lost them, you and Luna slowed down and started talking about random stuff. At some point you ran into two boys. You glanced at one of them, but the one that caught your interest had blonde hair that went straight up, icy blue eyes, and was tall.
"Oh, sorry. We weren't watching where we were going." He spoke. He had a sorta robotic voice, but it was still soothing. "My name is Zane, and this is Aiden." (SCREW IT IM PUTTING MY CRUSH IN HERE)
"Uh, m-my name is Y/n, and this is Luna" you stuttered.
"Hey there." Luna said.
"So um, do you wanna get some ice cream or something?" Aiden asked.
"Sure." Luna nonchalantly replied.
As you four of you walked, you stared at Zane. You guys got to know each other better as you walked. Turns out Zane is a nindroid. But one thing was always on you mind.
'This is a start of a long story.'

MY FRIEND WAS LOOKING OVER MY SHOULDER AND NOW KNOWS WHO MY CRUSH IS! Also I know this was bad so its gonna have three or four parts. Bye my angels!

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