Chapter 1: Beggining

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Training was over and you eagerly waited in line for your daily dose of gruel. It wasn't much but bread and day old soup but it did the job. You quickly scarfed down the meal at a table next to the other members of Levi's squad. Unfortunately you were sitting next to Hange, which meant covering your ears to avoid becoming deaf. 

"You know what we need!" Hange exclaimed. Of course everyone ignored her, like usual...but she kept talking, like usual. She jumped out of her seat and spread out her hands, "We need some fun!" 

Everyone either groaned or rolled their eyes, you did both. 

"Shut it, Hange!" Jean yelled. You punched his shoulder while giving him a disapproving look. He shoved you back and before you know it you had Jean pinned against a wall with a firm grip on the collar of his shirt. Your faces were so close your noses were almost touching. 

"You listen here, horse face. Just because Hange is extremely loud and way too excitable, and could learn a thing or two about personal space, it doesn't mean you get to be an ass to her all the time!"

Hange lowered her arms and tilted her head, "T-thanks...I think?"  

Jean chuckled, "You just can't keep your hands off me, huh?" You growled and decided to let your arm swing. Corporal was probably gonna punish you like hell for this, but it would be well worth it. Blood stained his shirt, his hand quickly covering his nose. 

"It's...alright..." He coughed, "I like my girls feisty." 

You payed no attention to the sudden silence in the room and swung your arm back to smack that grin off his face once and for all but someone grabbed your shoulders and pulled you away. You tensed up and on reflex you extended your hand and turned, expecting to make contact but fortunately you missed. 

You felt immense pressure in your hand and looked down to see someone had grabbed it mid swing and was now squeezing it tightly. 

"Hey what gives-" You stopped once you realized who you were talking to. "C-CORPORAL? AHIMSOSORRY!" You gave him your best salute before hanging your head low. 

"Tch." He kept his firm grip on your hand and began pulling you out of the mess hall. You dug your heels into the ground and struggled to gain freedom, but soon gave in to his iron grip. 

Jean was laughing hysterically, "Don't worry (y/n), I'll carry on your legacy!" 

You looked for the nearest item to throw at him and settled for a stale piece of bread. It successfully hit his head, Sasha caught it before it could hit the ground and began cuddling it and hissing at anyone who came near her. You would have laughed had you not been so petrified about your punishment. 

You spent a suspenseful amount of time heading to Levi's office, or rather... being carried. He eventually got tired of dealing with you struggling and had thrown you over is shoulder. After what seemed like forever, Levi kicked the door open. He locked the door with a key before dropping you next to a chair. You let out a painful grunt before slumping into it. You examined his office while whistling innocently, but were silenced by a low growl from Levi. Your head immediately dropped to the ground again. 

"Brat." He muttered. 

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