Chapter 15: Injured

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Days later~~

The sunlight streams through the trees, shining down on your tired complexion. You stopped fighting and took a second to enjoy the warm light.

You had ended up in a squad with Levi, Sasha, Hange, and Jean. It had been three days spent outside the walls, longer than corporal Levi would usual risk taking, but he was determined to clear out the titans that had been roaming too close to the walls. Cadets got no breaks, you were either killing titans or shuffling out dead bodies. There was always the last option too, becoming titan food. Needless to say, everyone was exhausted. Even Levi wore bags under his eyes and his hair was disheveled beyond repair without access to a shower.

Heavy footsteps drew you from your daydream. You looked up to see a mere 5 meter titan advancing your way. Levi nodded towards it as a sign for you to take care of it. You swiftly pulled out your 3DMG and took out the monster with ease.

Their numbers soon began to increase with the smell of blood, but you actually enjoyed fighting. Something about it eased your mind from thinking. Levi's squad and the left flank: Armin, Mikasa, Eren, Gunner continued fighting while the rest pulled away dead bodies and threw them into the wagon. The older cadets had empty faces as they dumped the bodies. It had slowly became a regular job after so many years. You for some reason, have never really adjusted to the death, only felt with it. You spotted some of the newer cadets struggling with a 15 m titan. All of them were to o frozen by fear to ever make contact. You sighed angrily and decided to help.

But these were new cadets. As you were about slice deep into the titans vulnerable neck, one of them accidentally ran into you, throwing your aim off and forcing you to miss. As you tried to recuperate the titan grabbed the wire of your 3DMG and threw you to the ground. You yelped as pain shot throughout your entire body.

Everything was a blur and the dizziness in your head made the world seem as if it was going in slow motion.

"(f/n)'re awake." The monotone voiced man gently sat you leaning against a tree. You could've sworn you heard relief in his voice.

"Damn." You murmured, rubbing your bruised head. You attempted to stand up but Levi grabbed your shoulders and firmly pushed you to the ground.

"Hold on, brat. Let me see how badly you were injured."

You sighed as Levi poked and prodded at your aching body. He grabbed your arm and harshly lifted it, causing you to scream out in pain.

"Your shoulder is dislocated." He stated coldly, "I need you to lie down on the ground."

As you lied down Levi hovered over you, still holding on to your arm. He harshly pulled your limb towards him, your body tensing up from the pain. You tried your best to hold back your screams by clenching your teeth, keeping your eyes on Levi's and his worried expression.

"What happened?" you whimpered, trying to distract yourself from the pain.

"Tch, from what I saw you ran into one of the new cadets and the Titan you were fighting threw you to the ground. You seem okay but both the cadets you were trying to help were too scared to fight and were eaten. You really are an imbecile, (f/n)."

You winced as you heard the final pop that confirmed your arm was back in place.

"Which cadets?" You muttered. Levi looked at you strangely. You became frustrated and pulled away from his grasp, "Which cadets? I wanna know their names."

"Sampson and Echuma." He stood up and extended his hand. You thought about who would miss them, if they even had any family left. They were probably no more than 21 considering they were just recruited. How many more would have to die?

You nodded and accepted his help up, but you only managed to take a couple steps before pain took over your leg and caused imbalance in your step. You closed your eyes, bracing yourself for an impact with the ground that wouldn't come.

Warm hands embraced your waist and you looked up to see Levi carrying your weight with ease.

"T-thanks." You managed to say, feeling your cheeks turn bright red.

"I'll check that leg when we get back inside the walls." He stated. You began to protest with lies about your very existent pain, when he clicked his tongue and suddenly picked you up bridal style. 

"W-what are you doing?" You clung to his neck out of fear of him dropping you. Levi suddenly stopped in his tracks as his eyes widened slightly. 

He nodded to the figure behind you and you turned to see Erwin looking at the both of you, puzzled. 

"Levi, care to tell me what you're doing?" He chuckled. You turned back to see the short man blushing.  

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