Chapter 8: He Loves Me Not

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Pain erupted from your body where it hit the ground, especially in your head. Your eyes scrunched together as you felt where there would soon be bruising. You were so consumed by pain that it took you a second to realize what was happening and the situation you were in.

You immediately released his cravat, eyes wide with horror. 

Parts of his dark hair rested on your face, his steel eyes matching the expression of yours. His toned chest was still pressed up against you and was now breathing in rhythm with yours. Your face exploded into a bright shade of red. 

You...were kissing...Levi...

Your first instinct was to escape from the position you were in. Without thinking, your fist collided with Levi's toned stomach. It was as if everything that happened next was in slow motion. You watched as his pupils shrank; and on top of that he released an inaudible groan that only you could hear. If even possible, your face grew redder as the vibrations traveled to your lips. Soon his lips detached from yours as he dropped to the side of you. His face was still close to your neck and you felt every ragged breath against your skin as he muttered a very colorful vocabulary. 

You continued laying there with a cherry red face and your eyes wide open. You noticed no one was making any noise as you both stayed in those positions. Thank god Hange was there to make it even more awkward. 

"EEEEEEEK!" She exclaimed, excitedly clapping her hands and jumping up and down. You cringed at her loud tone, and suddenly felt bad for any ant that had ever been in her proximity. 

The next sound was of Levi getting up. You sighed and soon followed, trying not to make eye contact with any other cadets. 

"Get back to work." He said coldly. You and everyone else cringed at his cold tone. They quickly shuffled back into their pairs. 

"I hate life." You murmured and ran a hand through your hair. He was really gonna kick you off of his squad now, just as you had finally persuaded him to let you on too.  You heaved a sigh of annoyance and observed the area. You had taken shade under a huge tree in order to get away from Hange and other cadets like her who were eager to tease you. 

There were tiny white daisies scattered all around you, hidden between the green blades of grass. You reached over and picked off two, placing one in your hair. The other you continued examining in your hands. 

A childish idea suddenly crossed your mind. You placed a tiny pedal between your thumb and forefinger. 

"He likes me..." You said with a soft smile, "He likes me not." 

You continued to pluck the soft object apart until you got to the last one. 

A small frown appeared on your face as you picked it off and watched it fall into the grass. "He likes me not." You stood up and were just about to throw the small stem away when you noticed a flash of white. 

You triumphantly picked off the very last pedal. You couldn't ignore the wide smile that formed on your face. 

"Wow I'm an idiot." You laughed, plopping back into the soft grass and closing your eyes. 

Humanities Strongest: Levi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now