Chapter 6: Fighting

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You unlocked your door and entered your small room. Looking at it now, it was extremely messy compared Levi's pristine one. You shrugged, "Eh, I'll clean later."

The cold air in the room caused goosebumps to rise on your skin, and you immediately collapsed into the covers, letting them engulf you.

"I'm never leaving this bed again." You promised yourself, well aware of the fact that all cadets had training in an hour. All your time spent before that would be dedicated to sleep. 

It felt as if you had just closed your eyes for a second before your alarm clock was ringing, waking you up. You muttered every cuss word there was in the book as you threw the tiny clock to the the side of the room, cringing at the loud 'thud' it made. 

"Begin!" A voice shouted. You immediately swung your leg underneath Jean's, forcing him to collapse. As soon as he was back into position you went to tackle him. He caught your hands in mid air and forced you back. Just as you had regained your balance, something hard made full contact with your cheek. You placed your hands on your knees in an effort to clear the dizziness in your head. 

"Jean, what the hell!" You growled as soon as you could think straight again, "Nothing above the shoulders!". He chuckled and resumed formation. Fine. If he wanted to play dirty, you could play dirty. You made it seem as though you were going to punch him, but as soon as he ducked you kicked him square in the jaw, propelling him into the ground.  

"Damn you!" He muttered against the dirt. You spat blood next to him in retaliation. You looked around to see a few occasional cadets laying on the ground out of breath. It was completely silent apart from Jean's wheezing. You shook your head and began walking in the opposite direction. To your right were Armin and Erin, both cheering and smiling. You were just about to wave back when a sudden force pushed you to the ground. 

"Hey!" You yelled. You looked up to see Jean high-fiving a few of his buddies. You stormed over to him, the guys who saw you were smart enough to back away. You stood behind Jean with a dark aura surrounding you. 

You lunged at him and managed to get him on his back with you on top. 

"Get off me. You weigh a ton!" He groaned, fueling your anger. You frowned. Your fist was raised in the air getting ready to hit Jean but stopped once you saw him

"Oi, what the hell do you brats think you're doing?" Levi asked menacingly. 

You sighed and lowered your arm, realizing just how bad this looked for you. 

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