Chapter 7: The Cravat Incident

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His glare gave you shivers. He stood there, expecting you to say something, so you said the first thing you could think of. 

"Morning, Levi!" You exclaimed, your hand sheepishly rubbing the back of your neck. 

"It's afternoon idiot." He stated coldly. 

"This heat must be getting to me." You laughed nervously.  

"Tch." He muttered, scanning the area. You and Jean gave threatening glances to each other while Levi had his back turned, whispering death threats. He gained sudden strength and threw you off him, causing Levi to swiftly turn. 

He sighed, glaring at you both. "This is not the right technique you imbeciles. Everyone back to training." He commanded. They all scattered back into their pairs. You lifted yourself off the ground and were just about to get away before someone grabbed your shoulder and spun you around. You were met with Levi's piercing grey eyes. He turned to Jean.

"Oi. Since you two cadets are incapable of training on your own, you will be training with me." He turned his gaze back to you, staring very seriously into your eyes, "Consider it your punishment." 

"Sir we will not mess around again." You stated very quickly, you could feel yourself blushing. 


Jean eyed Levi wearily as they got into fighting stances...well, Jean did. Levi stood with his arms crossed, unamused. They circled each other for a good three minutes. 

"Are you going to fight or not, brat?" Levi asked in annoyance. Jean growled and lunged. 

The next thing you knew Jean was lying face first on the ground with a foot digging his head deeper into the dirt. You didn't even remember seeing Levi move. You gulped. 

"Think before you act." He said and removed his foot. Your head snapped back and forth between Jeans beaten form and Levi standing there effortlessly. 

"Brat number two." He called. Slowly you walked towards him. Jeans current condition did not give you hope, his cheek was bruised and his nose was bleeding. nevertheless, you weren't a quitter. Who knows, you might have fun? You laughed at that thought and got into your fighting stance. Levi raised an eyebrow at you.

"Show me you're not weak like him." Levi told you. You nodded and began moving. 

"You have dirt on your clothes." You mused. His steel eyes narrowed. 

You acted just in time to avoid a hard punch flying towards your face. You leaped to the side and stared in horror at the man in front of you. He really wasn't going to hold back. He threw another punch, this time making contact with your stomach. You doubled over slightly as you backed away as fast as you could. Even though it was just a punch to the gut, it hurt like hell coming from him. 

He began racing towards you. You raised your leg in an effort to kick him in the same place when he suddenly caught it. He yanked your foot forward in attempt to get you down on the ground, but you followed his movements. As you went to throw a punch, he caught your hand as well. Damn his reflexes. He was increasing his grip on it too, causing you to yelp in pain. You did the only thing you could think to do. 

Suddenly you were blinded by pain, all you could see were white spots. You had decided to headbutt Levi, leaving his eyes wide with shock at what you decided to do. Your eyes closed as the blood curdling pain took over. He started to push you down on your back, taking advantage of the grip on your arm and leg. Your last resort was to grab his cravat with your one free hand and pull him down with you. Your back hit the hard ground with one of your arms pinned above your head, your leg still held tightly at his waist, making it so it was up in the air. He began to stand up quickly but was immediately pulled back down. His chest pressed up against you and his lips smashed against yours. It took you a second to realize your mistake. 

You were still holding his cravat. 

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