Chapter 17: Red

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I see red.

The familiar grey walls were stained with it. Everyone gasped as the titan who had breached through Wall Rose came into our view. It was bigger than any you had ever seen before, and its appearance was horrid. All of its skin had peeled off, revealing its muscles and deadly teeth. It broke through the wall with ease, allowing the smaller titans access within Wall Rose. Your mouth hung open as you realized what was happening. 

Instead of freezing like the other cadets, you quickly mounted your horse and raced towards the titan. A male voice frantically cried your name, but thoughts of your fragile sister drowned out the noise. You were going to kill them all. Every last one of them. 

Adrenaline filled anger rushed through your body as you approached Wall Rose. You got your gear ready as you turned the final corner. Expecting to see the special titan, your heart dropped when you turned the corner and he had vanished. You were, though, greeted by hundreds of titans. Had you not been so focused on your sister, you would have taken out more than just the ones in your way. 

"Please let her be safe."" You repeated to yourself. 

You felt relieved as you finally saw your tiny home, still completely in tact unlike some of the ones surrounding it. She was going to be okay, the last piece of light in your life was still alive. You broke through the door and immediately started searching for her. Every room was cold and empty, but a small voice called for you. You followed it outside stopping in the door way, your head swaying back and forth frantically searching for her soft (e/c) eyes.

Relief swarmed through your body as you noticed her running towards you, your pet cat (name) safe in her tiny hands. You could barely make out what she was saying to you, but it didn't matter as you rushed towards her in an attempt to meet her halfway. You counted how many steps until you reached her.


She was now close enough for you to see the color in her big eyes. They were warm, filled with happiness at the sight of her hero, her big sister. 


You could now see the highlights brought out by the sun in her long strands of hair, wind blowing through them as she raced towards you. 


Only a couple more steps and the tiny 5 year old would be safe in your embrace. Your body heightened with excitement as you extended your hand towards the little girl who was barely out of your reach. 

Suddenly, screaming

You watched in horror as (name) was lifted off the ground by a 15 m titan. You reacted as fast as possible, frantically cutting off fingers and limbs in order to save your little sister. You made the final blow to the back of its neck, falling to the ground with a hard thud as you used up the last of your gas.

"Please be safe, please be safe." You repeated to yourself again as you ran towards the titans hand where your sister was trapped. You carefully cut away fingers as you tried to free her from its grasp, only to fall back into the dirt with tears unwillingly forming in your eyes. 

For the first time in your life, you froze

The sight of your crushed sister was too much for you to bear. Her tiny figure was unable to hold against the pressure of the titans strength, and she lay in its hand, bloody and dead. Your mouth hung open as you attempted to scream but no words came out, only choking sounds as you held back sobs. 

Titans could be heard all around you. The smell of blood was drawing them close to you, but you found yourself paralyzed. You couldn't cry, you couldn't scream, you couldn't breath. You sat there, content with the idea that this was it, you would die and everything would be over. 

Suddenly, familiar hands grabbed you by the waist and took off with you. You panicked and started screaming and kicking, anything to get out of his grip and into a titans mouth. 

"Let me die!" You repeated over and over again, sobbing and pounding on Levi's shoulder as he carried you to the safety of a nearby building. 

Once he let your feet fall to the ground, you attempted to make a break for it but Levi managed to grab you buy the waist and pull you back. 

"Levi, Please! Please just let me die!" You begged with all your heart. You caught a glimpse of the sadness in his eyes before he pulled you tightly into his arms and kept you there, even with you screaming and pounding into his chest. 

It became harder and harder to contain you, so he eventually fell to the floor with you cradled in his lap. You gave up and wrapped your arms around his neck, while burying your face in his chest in an attempt to hide your tears as you sobbed against the soft cloth. 

"Please...please, Levi..." You softly murmured to him in between sobs. He only held you tighter and began stroking your disheveled hair. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2016 ⏰

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