Chapter 14: His Room

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All of your fellow cadets had been asleep for at least two hours now, but you had just set your head on your pillow. 

The Corporal had you scrub his shirt for the past few hours, and he didn't stop there. You were tasked with scrubbing all the floors and tidying up rooms. The only breaks you were given were for meals. 

You had expected him to leave you alone while you finished your assigned tasks, but he had decided to stay and 'babysit' you. His usual stoic glare was replaced with a slightly softer expression as he watched you scrub floors, his grey eyes never leaving you as if they were expecting you to disappear. 

The idea of having a man stare at you for three hours seemed uncomfortable, but surprisingly it didn't bother you at all. You actually found it relaxing to be in his presence like this, although everyone else shivered at the mention of his name. 

The conversations you usually had with each other were short and brief, and had always been that way since you met him back when he was just a cadet. He acted as if there wasn't anything in the world worth his time to talk about. There seemed to be times when he livened up with you though, especially now. 

"Levi?" You asked, putting down the sponge you were using to clean his shirt. 

"Yeah?" His reply had surprised you. Normally he responded with an impatient 'what', or the more frequent of the two, nothing at all.  It wasn't much but it was still something. 

"What are you doing?" You questioned. He was just sitting there, in a chair, opposite of you. 

"What do you mean what am I doing?" 

"I mean why are you sitting here while I clean this mess. Don't you have something better to do." You asked rhetorically.  

He paused, thinking over his reply. "What better thing do I have to do at 10 o'clock?" 

"I don't know, you could go out or something." you replied with slight irritation, which provoked a small chuckle from the man. 

"No. I'm perfectly fine staying here with you." 

You looked up wondering if you heard him correctly, "What?" 

"You heard me, Cadet." He said coldly. 


Your question caught him off guard. "What?" he replied quickly. 

"You heard me...Corporal." 

He smirked and took another sip of his tea that he had been 'finishing' since you started cleaning. Surely it was cold by now. 

"Because I want to." He paused, and the slight smile that was on his face disappeared, " What's with the questions, brat. I gave you an order, now carry it out." 

With a heavy breath you picked up the sponge and continued scrubbing his shirt. When you were finished, you hung it over a chair to dry and began sweeping the floor when it suddenly dawned on you. What was happening in a few days, was another expedition. You looked over at Levi, who was sitting casually in his chair with his leg resting on his knee, sipping his (cold) tea. You wondered if he was as nervous as you are.

"Hey Levi..." You asked shyly. His grey eyes peered at you over his cup. "Do you ever...get...scared?" 

His body tensed up before he gently set his tea down. "Scared of what exactly, Cadet?" 

"Well Sir, Titans." 

Levi sighed with boredom and stood up next to you, matching your eye level. "No, Cadet. The titans do not scare me. But to answer your question, yes, I do get scared. Just not of those things." 

You stared at him with a curious expression. As if the answer to what he was afraid of was hidden in his eyes.  Levi snapped you out of your daze by grabbing the broom from you and setting it against the wall. "You're excused for the night, brat. Although, I expect to have this damn mess cleaned up by tomorrow morning." 

You sighed and gave him your best salute before exiting his room. 

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