Chapter 9: Party

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Your eyes slowly flickered open to reveal a dark sky. You jolted up with a rush of adrenaline, eyes suddenly wide with realization. 


You quickly lifted yourself off the floor and did your best to fix the rats nest you called hair. You scolded yourself for being so lazy as to fall asleep.

"OhmygodHangeisgonnakillme." You gulped as you ran through the doors of the mess hall. You were suddenly reminded of the previous events that happened today and blushed immensely. Screw Hange, LEVI was gonna kill you.

You tried to inch your way into the crowd of people, but Hange noticed you and called you over. Her eye's suddenly widened at the sight of your.

"I was starting to think you weren't gonna show." She chuckled, crossing her arms and examining your appearance." You have leaves in your hair (y/n) geez do you ever try."

You grunted as she started aggressively pulling her hands through your long locks. Your arms crossed in a pout across your chest, your back stiffening with every painful tug.

"Relax." Hange deadpanned.

"How? You're tearing my hair out." You growled.

"It looks great!" You turned to see Armin grinning with a slight blush in his cheeks. Erin was right behind him, giving you a quick wave.

You tilted your head slightly and grinned, waving back at your friends.

"There, Finished!" Hange exclaimed. "At least you changed before you came, you look nice."

You looked down at your short, flowy white dress. It was nothing fancy, but then again you were never one to dress up.

You were just about to say 'thank you' when she grabbed your hand and dragged you to the table she was previously sitting at. Your eyes widened as you noticed Levi there, drinking an alcoholic beverage. He noticed you and eyed you up and down before sipping his drink and walking away. What the hell is his problem? you thought as you watched him disappear into the crowd. Little did you know, had you been able to see Levi's face you would have noticed his blushing cheeks.

You spent the rest of the night feeling down about Levi. You thought about trying to explain how the kiss was an accident, but every time you saw each other he turned the other way.

Two hours later and you had finally got fed up with the amount of teasing you were receiving. Not only had you kissed your commander, now he wouldn't give you the time of day. What a way to get rejected. You sighed and decided to cool off in the hallway.

The second the mess hall doors closed you slid down to the floor and rested your head against the wall. "Why do I care so much." you muttered.

A large boom made you jolt up. You worriedly looked down the hallway, questioning what made the noise. It sounded as if someone had fallen. An agonizing groan confirmed your thoughts and caused your feet to instinctively run towards the sound. You followed the small shuffling noises made afterwards, eventually turning the corner to find the cause of all the commotion.

You froze where you were.

Your Corporal, Levi, was completely drunk and lying on the floor. It took you by complete surprise, mainly because you didn't realize Levi drank in the first place. He didn't notice you until you approached him cautiously. His forehead trickled with blood from hitting it against the wall.

"Levi? What the hell are you doing?" You whispered loudly, afraid that anything above a whisper would chase him off again. He suddenly took a hold of your shoulders in order to balance himself.

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