When the Battle Comes

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There's a silver lining,
When the battle comes.
A long awaited war,
That will make the ground rumble.

Clash after clash,
Of thunderous fights.
Blow after blow,
Of lightning filled nights.

Metal against metal,
Slicing through the air.
BOOM of the gunshots,
Too deafening to bear.

The stomps of the soldiers,
Hammering the ground.
Their shouts echo,
Across the battleground.

Blood spills,
As the enemies fire.
They retaliate,
With fuelled desire.

And march onwards,
On the front line.
Firing back,
With nine fold times.

Strike after strike,
The battle goes on.
Defeating the purpose,
Of what awaits when they're done.

Ash fills the sky,
Heavily misting what was clear.
Cinders smoke the ground,
Annihilated all that was near.

Rising from the dead around him,
Stands a lone soldier.
When the battle comes,
He'll see the lining through the smolder.

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