Chapter 1

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A/n: This book is based on their sixth year at Hogwarts. Please excuse my bad spelling and grammar, I do try my best. I hope you enjoy the story.
Finally, I stepped on the Hogwarts express. This was my sixth year at Hogwarts, I was hoping this year will be better than the last. I kept walking down the train hoping to find one of my friends and not Malfoy or any of his so called 'friends'.

I glanced out the window to see a mob of parents waving to their children trying to hide their sad expressions. I wish my parents could wave me off but they where muggles so they couldn't come on the platform. Yes that makes me muggle-born or as arrogant purebloods like Malfoy would call us, mudbloods. I hadn't realized I zoned out until I bumped into someone dropping all my luggage. Nice one Kate. I didn't look at the person and just worried about my stuff. Bending over I smashed my head with their head, I heard a groan slip through their lips. I could recognize that any day,

"Harry!" I practically screamed. Taking in his manly features.

"Kate? God I've missed you! How are you?" Harry said embracing me.

"I'm good thanks, and you?"

"Yeah good thanks, Come on, Ron and Hermione are waiting in a compartment"

We reached the compartment, Ron and Hermione gave me a big hug.

"Come on, sit down we have lots to tell you" Ron says, while Hermione shoots him a glare.

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