Chapter 16

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When we reached the common room the first thing we did was tell Ron and Harry what happened in the library. I was laughing so hard I could hardly get my words out so Hermione told them what happened. When she did They burst out laughing.

"I can't believe you did that" Harry said making me laugh even more.

"Same to be honest" I said truthfully.

"It's bloody hilarious, I wish I was there to see it happen" Ron said pouting like a child.

"Pansy Parkinson got what she deserved" Hermione said and I couldn't agree more.

"Pansy Parkinson? More like Pussy Parkinson" Ron said. Me and Harry burst out laughing again while Hermione looked at him in stock and hit him on the head with one if the book she got from the library. I could see she was fighting off laughter before she started laughing with us.

When we all calmed down I decided to go find Professor McGonagall to ask her about my parents.

"I'm going to find Professor McGonagall to ask her about my parents. Do any of you know where she might be?" I asked them.

"No sorry" Hermione replied. I looked to Harry as Ron and they just shuck their heads.

"I guess I will go to the transfiguration classroom and hope she's there" I told them before I walked out of the common room to find Professor McGonagall.

I walked down the almost empty corridor. Most people will be at hogsmeade, in their common rooms or in the great hall. I got to the transfiguration courtyard when I piece of parchment flew straight at me but I caught it before it hit me. It simply read...

Follow me

I looked up to see a person staring at me before turning and walking away. I always promised myself never to follow someone creepy or anyone for that matter but I found my feet moving forward and following them anyway. They were taller than me and took larger steps so I ran a little bit closer behind them so I wouldn't loose them. We were now heading up the staircase to the astronomy tower. Now I'm getting a bit scared. I just followed someone who asked me to and is taking me to a tower where no one can see me or hear me scream if something bad happens. Well now we know why I wasn't put in Ravenclaw.

Surely nothing bad was going to happen. I'm at Hogwarts one of the safest places in the wizarding world. On second thoughts, in first year there were a troll attack and they had a three headed dog on the grounds. Not forgetting the teacher who tried to steal the philosopher's stone for Voldemort. Second year we found a deadly basilisk who kill with a single glance and had a con artist for a teacher.

Third year an escape prisoner managed to get into Hogwarts even if he was an innocent man. Not to mention the amount of dementor attacks. In fourth year an under age wizard was entered into the triwizard tournament. Which ended up bringing Harry straight to Voldemort and lead to Cedric Diggory's death. Also a loyal death eater got into the school and demonstrated the 3 unforgivable spells.

We reached the top and the astronomy tower and I looked up to see Draco. I sighed in relief, I wasn't in danger after all.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked in annoyance.

"What did you mean earlier when you said you aren't a mud- I mean muggle born?" He asked softly, correcting himself.

"It doesn't matter" I told him.

"Yes it does now tell me" he said.

"My parent are wizards" I said.

"I thought you were muggle born"

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